
5 Signs That He's The Right Man For You (Everyone Ignores The 5th)

A seemingly perfect relationship is not always what it seems.

You have probably already witnessed the breakup of a relationship, even if the spouses loved each other immensely. It is believed that there is enough desire for them to want to stay together, and "happily ever after" is guaranteed. But in real life, this is not the case. The following five signs explain whether your partner is the right one.

Constant fights

It is not normal that we never argue and agree on everything. Not only are arguments inevitable, they are also desirable and important to the development of your relationship. But if disagreements are common, it could be a sign that you need to seriously consider whether the partner you're with is right for you.

There is a fine line between a love affair and something much more harmful: a harsh comment can cause terrible offense, which can be a step towards physical attack. Think of it this way: "What will happen in a few years?” What will your life be like in 5 or 10 years when your partner's impatience can easily increase? Always try to think rationally about the future.

Jealousy is not love

It is often heard that the more jealousy there is in a relationship, the stronger the love. It's not really like that. Jealousy is destructive and we must keep it under control. Jealousy can bring no good and is an indicator of a lack of self-confidence and has nothing to do with love.

Jealousy is not love.


We may disappoint you, but a situation where your loved one is in another city or another country (for work or college) is usually very damaging to a relationship. If there is no vision of the future, if there is no common goal, then the relationship will most likely fail.

People say nicely: "Far from eyes, far from heart". If you find yourself in this situation, you will know what this means. Skype or Viber cannot replace live chat.

You constantly question your choices

We all have moments of doubt in a relationship, moments of weakness. But in healthy relationships, time always helps to overcome these doubts and fears. The longer they are together, the less room there is for anxiety. As you slowly discover the virtues and qualities that your partner possesses, your relationship also focuses on pleasure rather than panic.

If you feel constant doubts, it can be a sign that something is missing in your relationship or that you are missing something. Maybe the past won't let you go. Or something in your relationship scares you. In any case, these feelings should not be ignored.

You constantly question your choices.

Goals that don't match

You have probably heard the phrase "opposites attract" several times. But life often proves otherwise. Your relationship may have been perfect when you both attended the same college, but as you started different careers, you spent less and less time together. And over time, you completely cooled off in the relationship from each other.

Of course, it is impossible to find someone with whom your priorities perfectly match, but if your goals and plans do not match at all, then it is unlikely that you will stay together.

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