Love is a complicated game that we often take for granted. Sometimes we fall in love with a person who is always available, who would do anything for us. However, what happens when we take this love for granted? What happens when we lose that special person who has always been there for us? This article is dedicated to the woman you will appreciate only after you lose her.
We must understand that every person we meet on our life paths, carries a certain value in itself. But some people, like this woman we are dealing with, contain a special value - that is, someone who would do more than others for their love. This woman is truly a gem that many fail to appreciate until they lose her.
This woman is working hard for your love. She is always available, always ready to talk, always taking care of your needs. However, this complete accessibility and willingness to give is what can create a sense of self-sufficiency. You may begin to think that she will always be there, that she will always be tolerant of your mistakes. But as the old Slovenian proverb says: "Good comes back with good."
Although this woman is willing to give her all, she too has her limits. And when you cross those lines, when you reject or ignore her too many times, when you become careless and self-absorbed, one day she will turn and walk away. And when she does, only then will you realize what you've lost. So – how to keep a great woman?!
The first step is, to start appreciating her efforts. Don't take it for granted. Talk to her, tell her how much you appreciate everything she does for you. Show her that you are grateful for her love and support.
The second step is, to learn to be more present in the relationship. This means not only being physically present, but emotionally as well. Understand her feelings, recognize her needs, pay attention to her voice when she talks about her problems and fears.
The third step is respect. Every woman deserves respect, no matter how much she is in love with you. Respect her opinion, her decisions, her desire for free time and independence. Respect also means loyalty and reliability; keeping the promises you made.
Fourth step is that you value her as a person, not just as a partner. Every woman is more than just the role she plays in your life. She is an individual with her own interests, passions, desires and dreams. Encourage her to follow her dreams and stand by her when she faces challenges.
And finally, the fifth step is, to love her. Not only when everything is good and pleasant, but also when times are hard. Love her even when you fight, when she's sad, when she's angry. Love her even as she ages, as she changes. Because true love does not choose time and circumstances. True love is always there no matter what.
How to keep a great woman?!
Don't take love for granted. If you found a woman who would do anything for you, then appreciate her. Because love like this doesn't come around often. And once it's gone, it's gone forever.