
5 Weird Things Couples Do When They're in Love

There is always some madness in love.

On the portal Ask Reddit couples shared the cutest and weirdest things that made them fall in love.

Let's take a look at five interesting things they do.

1. He thinks too much about the X-Men

Before we got married, my husband and I took a long road trip. When I looked at him while driving, I saw him laughing at himself. It melted my heart to think that he was so happy because I was with him. Hoping for a romantic moment, I asked him: "What are you thinking about?" His response was, “Oh Wolverine.”

2. He makes sweet noises when he wants to sleep

He makes cute sounds of contentment as he falls asleep. If he hears me get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he waits until I come back, then hugs me the moment I lie back down. There is something so endearing about a sleepy embrace and the sounds of contentment. As if she were subconsciously connected, happy and in love.

3. It helped me enjoy peanut butter

I'm a big fan of peanut butter. The youngest son had a life-threatening peanut allergy. Because of this, it was necessary to remove all traces of peanuts and any nuts from the apartment. We also never dared to eat peanuts or other nuts, even outside the home, because we were afraid of bringing home traces of nuts and causing him another severe allergic reaction.

For Valentine's Day, my husband gave me a disposable plastic poncho, plastic gloves, a travel toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash, and lots of peanut butter candies so I could go out and eat them. Later, I could put everything away, throw it in the bin, without fear that my son would have an allergic reaction. It probably sounds really funny, but it was really thoughtful and sweet.

4. Let me sleep

My wife wakes up before me in the morning, so every time she gets up, she throws a pillow over my head so I don't get disturbed by the lights.

5. Makes up cute little dances

My husband and I only watch a few TV shows regularly. And for each one, he created a funny, unique dance that he performs flawlessly every time the show comes on. My job is to pretend to be horrified. But actually, I find it fascinating. He's been doing things like this for almost 30 years.

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