
5 Surprising Reasons Why He's Avoiding You

When someone you love avoids you, it hurts.

You want the attention of the man you're in love with, but he avoids you for some unknown reason.

You can't stop thinking about him. If they are together and you watch him, you can tell that he is not thinking about you at all. In fact, he is having fun with others and completely ignoring you. It looks like he wants to get revenge on you for something and you are confused and don't know what you did to make him act like this.

Stop for a moment and breathe. Men can be hard to understand sometimes, so you'll need some explanation as to why he's avoiding you all of a sudden. And whatever you do, don't despair. Any problem can be solved through open communication.

These are the reasons why men suddenly avoid women they like.

1. He has another woman

One of the reasons why he is avoiding you may be that he has another woman. If he pulls away from you, especially in intimate situations, ask him if he has someone else. It doesn't have to be that way, but it's the only logical explanation. If it turns out that he has another, you have nothing to look for here.

You have to move on because even if you try to make things work, you won't feel better. You will always wonder if he will do it again or not. Let it go while there is time and start a new chapter of your life.

2. He thinks you betrayed him

Ask him politely if everything is okay and see how he responds. If he starts acting defensive, it's a sign that something is bothering him and he's just been waiting to tell you about it. He probably didn't want to be the first to start it, but he acted in such a way that you could tell something was wrong.

Maybe he thinks you've done something wrong, but you haven't - he just doesn't know it. In such a situation, it is best to talk to him openly and explain any situation he finds problematic. There is no problem that good and open communication cannot solve.

3. He is bored

Although this is the last thing a woman in love wants to hear, he may be avoiding you because he is bored. This can happen either in a long-term relationship or in a short-term relationship if they are not soul mates. It is best for you to find out about it in time. Imagine marrying him and then finding out that he doesn't actually love you.

Believe me, the universe has a perfect timeline. Even if you think that you are suffering too much now and are unlucky, remember - the teacher is always silent during the test. Maybe you're going through so much pain so you can enjoy your perfect love life later.

4. He realized you weren't right for him

When a man realizes that you are not the right woman for him, when he feels that you no longer make him happy and that he does not feel special around you, he will start avoiding you. It may not be so obvious at first, but over time it will show you more and more. He will spend more time outside the house and spend more time with friends.

All these things are warning signs if you know how to read them well and if you pay attention to them. If he truly thinks that you are not the right woman for him, there is no way you can convince him to stay with you. Step by step he will distance himself. Once a man has decided on something, it is very difficult to convince him otherwise.

5. He thinks he doesn't deserve you

Men are strange and even if you think he will never leave you, he may do so for some "crazy" reasons. One of them is that he thinks he doesn't deserve you and that you're too good for him. Such a man has low self-esteem; he will suddenly back off and start distancing himself so that it doesn't become obvious.

The problem is with him, but you have to be the one to start talking about this problem. He doesn't want to openly talk about his feelings. Start a conversation, let it open up, it will be better for both of you. At least you'll know what situation made him feel that way and why he didn't want to talk about it.

He will probably try to push you away from him, but don't fall for his game. Be persistent in solving the problem, you will both feel better.

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