
5 things a man hides from you: He only talks about it with his friends

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Do you ever wonder what your partner really thinks? Why doesn't he tell you everything? What really bothers or excites him? Men often prefer to share their most honest thoughts and feelings with their friends rather than their partners.

Men are often complicated and mysterious, especially when it comes to their own thoughts and feelings. There are some things that men do easily they don't want to share with their partners, be it because of the fear of misunderstanding, criticism or simply because of the desire to maintain peace in the relationship. Instead, they prefer to turn to their closest friends with whom they can openly talk about all these things.

It is important to understand that men often they choose their words carefully, when talking to women. While this isn't always the best strategy for the long-term health of the relationship, it helps them avoid immediate conflict.

Women often have a misconception about what men really think and they feel because men only share what they think their partner will want to hear.

Men often do not trust you with their thoughts. Photo: Eren Li / Pexels

Through the next five points, we will explore topics that men prefer to share with their friends rather than with their partners.

1. What bothers them about sex

Diversity in sex life is very important for men. They enjoy when their partner is active and interested. When it comes to talking about these desires, men often encounter obstacles because they fear that their partners will interpret it as criticism or dissatisfaction. Therefore, they prefer to keep these conversations for friends who understand them better and do not judge them.

2. Why there is no romance

Romantic moments are just as important to men as they are to women, but arguments over everyday little things can quickly ruin the mood. When a partner starts an argument over a raised toilet bowl or trash, a man loses his desire for intimacy.

A simple desire for a hug or tenderness is often hidden behind these little things, and if you expressed it openly, there would be less tension in the relationship. Men can't read minds, so it's important for partners to clearly express their needs.

3. Getting excited about things that your partner hates

Although men may claim that they don't like cartoons, action movies, motorbikes or sports, they are often not telling the truth. These activities allow them to relax and escape from everyday worries.

They prefer to choose friends. Photo: Pressmaster / Pexels

When your partner suggests that you do something more productive instead, she should do so in a friendly and understanding way. Otherwise, men prefer to openly talk about their interests and hobbies with friends who share their passions.

4. Different entertainment preferences

Men are often willing to sacrifice their desires for peace in the house. Although they would rather do something they are truly interested in, like watching their favorite movies or pursuing their hobbies, they will agree to watch romantic comedies or other content that their partner loves.

If a partner notices that her man is doing something just for her, she should accept it as a sign of his love and respect. Perhaps it would be better to let him relax in his own way once in a while.

Communicate - in all possible ways. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

5. Fear of talking about problems

When a partner says she wants to talk, men often interpret this as a prediction of a difficult conversation. They fear that the topic will be something that will require them to defend or explain.

Instead of a long introduction, it is better to start the conversation naturally and without big announcements. This way, they will feel less threatened and will be more ready for open communication.

All these points reveal that men often hide their true thoughts and feelings, to avoid conflicts or unpleasant situations. The key to better communication in a relationship is openness and understanding.

Partners must be ready to listen and to accept their men as they are, without judgment or pressure.

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