
5 things that people do every day who always have a clean and tidy apartment

Photo: imdb

It has surely happened to you that you came to someone's place for an unannounced visit and saw that they have a tidy and clean apartment. You must have asked yourself how they manage to do something like this. In the following, we will reveal 5 simple habits that keep the apartment always tidy and do not require hours and hours of cleaning. It only takes a few daily tasks that you have to get into the habit of to keep your home in order.

Clean up the dishwasher and dishes

Make sure the dishwasher is always empty and the dishes are in place. This will prevent the accumulation of dirty dishes in the kitchen and sink. In addition, you will always have clean dishes.

Make your bed in the morning

Before you leave the house and start your day, don't leave your bedroom until you've cleaned it. It takes you two minutes in the morning to put it away.

Use baskets

Various little things quickly and often find their way around the apartment, causing a mess. Sometimes it's mail and catalogs scattered around the living room, keys on dressers, and the like. Because such little things make a mess, get baskets or boxes in which to store it all.


Store the clothes in the closet immediately

After a hard day's work, you undress and leave your clothes on the chair in the bedroom. The next day, the story repeats itself and soon a pile of clothes appears in your bedroom. Therefore, get into the habit of immediately putting the dirty laundry in the laundry basket, and put the other things in the closet. This also applies to shoes and jackets and other clothing and footwear. Always put things in their place.


The kitchen should always be clean

Always take the time to clean up the kitchen after every dinner. That way, you won't be greeted by a dirty kitchen full of unpleasant smells in the morning. In the morning, you will be able to drink your coffee in peace and not rush to clean, where you may run out of time.

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