
5 things that make us tired, but we don't even realize it

Are you tired, but you don't know why exactly? These 5 things can also contribute to fatigue, but we are not even aware of it.

We may not really realize it, but these 5 things can make us who we are even more tired.

A cluttered table

A cluttered table
A cluttered table

A cluttered desk can contribute to mental exhaustion. According to the words professor of psychology from Princeton University, more things in our field of vision (read: clutter on our desk) is said to contribute to poorer focus, and the brain is said to have a harder time filtering out what's important and what's not. The result? Fatigue.

We wait too long to eat.

We don't eat at regular intervals.
We don't eat at regular intervals.

Eating at regular intervals throughout the day, not postponing lunch or skipping snacks, helps us maintain energy throughout the day, which makes us less tired. If we wait too long to eat and move food around because of the deadlines we are chasing, we will only be more tired.

Let's skip the morning workout.

Let's skip the morning workout.
Let's skip the morning workout.

If we skip a workout just because we want to sleep an hour longer, it can backfire on us. Research, which was carried out at the University of Georgia in the USA, showed that 20 minutes of moderate exercise contributes to an increase in energy (compared to rest), another research earlier however, it showed that those who sit a lot feel more energized after exercise.

We don't consume enough iron.

We don't consume enough iron.
We don't consume enough iron.

Iron deficiency can be due to Mayo Clinic causes fatigue, irritability, weakness and inability to concentrate. Iron is crucial in transporting oxygen to muscles and cells. That's why we make sure to eat foods that are rich in iron (leafy vegetables, eggs, tofu, kidney beans, beef, nuts...).

We sleep too much.

We sleep too much.
We sleep too much.

This may sound counterintuitive, but if you feel like you're not getting enough sleep, try sleeping less. According to the Harvard Health it's the quality of sleep – not necessarily the quantity – that matters. Sleeping too long can increase the time it takes to fall asleep, thus compromising tranquility.

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