
5 things selfish people do in relationships

Selfish people think only of themselves. Stand up for yourself.

No one deserves to be in love with a person who only thinks about themselves, their needs and their feelings. Unfortunately, there are many more such connections than we can imagine. Selfish people can suck the last atom of strength and positive energy from their partner just to feed their ego.

It is an unhealthy relationship, from which it is wisest to run away and not look back. It's definitely better to be alone than with a partner who thinks only of himself and doesn't care about anyone else. When you leave such a relationship, you give yourself the opportunity to meet someone who will respect and love you as much as you love him.

What do selfish people do in love relationships? If you find your partner among these five descriptions, think about it.

1. They think there is only their way and no other

They have no tolerance for the opinion of their partner or other people. They believe that they are always right and that everyone must follow through on everything they say or do. They have no respect, in fact such people have no respect for anyone. They think only of themselves and are quite stubborn and have difficulty functioning in relationships and in a group of people.

2. Attitude indicates negativity or neutrality

Every conversation with them is exhausting and ends badly. A partner who is in a relationship with such a person constantly has to prove something, which eventually leads to an argument.
For them, constructive conversations that solve problems do not exist. Such a relationship is full of negativity and toxicity, it is better to get out of it as soon as possible.

3. The partner feels that he is the only one trying to make the relationship work

Every relationship has ups and downs, good times and bad times. If both partners have the same desire to save their relationship, such a relationship has a future. But if only one partner makes an effort, and the other only complains and sets his own conditions, then this relationship will not be successful or long-lasting in any way.

If there's only one person in your relationship, it's time to walk away.
When one partner is selfish and unwilling to give in or take on some of the responsibility, but is able to sit and watch the other struggle while blaming and arguing, it is better to leave such a person.

4. Selfish people don't like to talk about love

They make no effort to provide comfort and security to the partner they are in a relationship with. They don't care if the partner in the relationship feels insecure because he doesn't know what the other is thinking, what his intentions are, whether he wants a serious relationship, marriage, or family.
Selfish people avoid defining a relationship because that's what suits them - they didn't promise anything, so they don't have any obligations.

5. They flirt with others, even when they are with their partner

If the partner feels bad and humiliated because of this, selfish people don't mind. They shamelessly turn around and flirt with the opposite sex. They only do this to feed their ego. This is more important to them than their partner, because they are so confident in themselves that they do not even notice that they have hurt him with their behavior.

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