
5 things you need to stop saying to your single friends

If you are newly in love or in a stable and happy long-term relationship, this is good for you. Surely your friends want to know the details of your love life and discuss any complications. However, single friends sometimes find it hard to listen to the advice of married women. These are the things you need to stop saying to your single friends.

This is a list of 5 things you need to stop saying to your single friends

"Let me arrange a date for you with my husband's friend."

No one doubts your good intentions. However, if your single friend wants to meet new potential partners, she will already be asking you for help. Trying to set up a date that your friend might not even want can come across as quite patronizing.

"Don't worry, you will find the right one."

Such messages imply that being single is wrong. Many people enjoy single life more or don't even want a relationship.

"Why are you still single?"

While you mean it as a compliment, your friend may take it differently. In addition, it is not entirely clear what kind of answer is appropriate, and so such questions can only create an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Some girls are not waiting for a prince on a white horse
Some girls are not waiting for a prince on a white horse

"I never liked your ex."

This saying is often hard to avoid - especially if your friend is going through the painful process of getting over her ex-partner. However, it must be understood that they had reasons for being in a relationship. Even though this one broke up, it probably wasn't all bad and your friend may still love her ex.

"What worries you about the biological clock?"

The whole phrase "biological clock" is wise to avoid in all situations. This applies to all women, regardless of whether they are in a relationship, single or married.

READ MORE: 5 signs that your relationship is getting serious, even if you don't like it

It is better not to mention the biological clock
It is better not to mention the biological clock

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