
5 things you should know about strong women!

"A woman is like a tea bag - you only find out how strong she is when she finds herself in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

You may not have known, but…

 … strong women cry

Strong women may seem very strong, but they also cry. Sometimes they are very vulnerable, but they will not show it to others. Only in the embrace of their room do they allow themselves to cry out their pain, only there do they show how fragile they really are. But because they are strong women, they will get up in the morning and face a new day.

… strong women need help

Strong women need someone to turn to for support. There come days when they are tired of being so strong. They need someone to make them feel like it's okay, even if they're not OK for a while. They need someone who will simply hug them and make them feel that they are not alone. Behind a strong personality is someone who needs love and care.

… a strong woman will fight for the one she loves

Strong women will do anything to keep the one they love. They are brave enough to let go of everything to show their partner how much they love them. Strong women also know when to stop. When they realize they're not getting the love they deserve, they won't think twice about leaving. And once they leave, there's no going back.

… strong women are financially secure

Strong women are very independent. They deserve it themselves. They can buy all the things they want. They don't need someone with money to be happy. Strong women just need someone to be there at the end of the day. They need someone stronger than them to catch them when they can no longer carry all the baggage they have.

… strong women are sometimes very lonely

Just because strong women seem brave and can do it all on their own doesn't mean they have to. Yes, they can do things themselves. They can do everything by themselves, but what others don't understand is that they can enjoy not only being with themselves, but also in the company of a small circle of people.

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