
5 tips on how to travel at low prices

Photo: envato

Little-known tricks that will make your next trip cheaper, easier and more comfortable.

Let's take a look at tips from travel veterans on how to book a cheap holiday to remember.

Cookies page

If you have started buying airline tickets online, then delete these cookies to begin with. Many websites place "cookies" on your computer when you visit them, a collection of information that will include your username and the date and time you visited the website. Sometimes travel websites use this information to increase their prices, especially on repeated visits to the site when it is clear that your interest has not yet piqued. Therefore, it is not unusual for the price to increase on your second visit to the website. Before buying a ticket in this way, delete cookies from your computer.

Photo: Unsplash/Yousef Alfuhigi

Upgrade your flying experience

It's every traveler's dream: you buy a discounted plane ticket, ask on the spot if you can upgrade, and before you know it, you're in a big, comfortable seat with a glass of champagne in hand. If you're willing to spend a little extra, it's worth asking an agent to try and get you a first class ticket. Unless it's completely full, which usually happens on less busy flights, the agent has some room to move people to first class. Some airlines also allow you to use airline miles to "purchase" an upgrade.

Photo: Unsplash/Scott Gummerson

Taxi driver, your best friends

Seasoned traveler Mark Zwick, who takes at least four major road trips each year, shared with Readers Digest his belief that befriending a taxi driver will pay off. “I always depend on taxi drivers. They always know what I should see, where I should dine, etc.," Zwick is convinced, citing as an additional plus the fact that many taxi drivers cooperate with restaurants and clubs, so they can also offer you discount coupons.

When abroad, rely on trains

Although traveling by train may not be at the top of your bucket list, the train is often a more affordable option than flying. Especially if you are traveling in Europe.

Photo: Unsplash/Chris Yang

Get to know the ABC Islands in the Caribbean Sea

Hurricanes not only cause great damage, but also scare away tourists. The Caribbean islands are often victims of hurricane devastation. In the case of the ABC islands, Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao, this is not the case, but despite the stigma attached to the Caribbean, these islands offer a wallet-friendly Caribbean vacation.

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