
5 toxic mental beliefs you need to get rid of to live a better life

Photo: Candice Picard/Unsplash

You know deep down that you are wrong, but your beliefs tell you a completely different story. They say that you are not worthy, that you do not deserve happiness and success.

A toxic mindset is a belief about our life or ourselves that we develop from adverse circumstances, trauma, unresolved issues, and failures.

This kind of mindset grows with you if you don't address it when it arises. It has the power to destroy your life or prevent you from living the life you want or achieving your goals.

Let's see what such beliefs are.

1. You are not good enough

One of the most common toxic mindsets is the belief that you are not good enough for something, be it a job or a relationship. We built a belief on the fact that you wanted something and didn't get it. You've become afraid that you'll never get what you want again, and because you don't want to feel the pain of disappointment anymore, you don't even try anymore.

You weren't responsible for just that. Maybe you weren't qualified enough for the job you wanted, and you weren't the right person for someone you liked. It doesn't mean you're not good enough, it just means that some things are meant to be yours or for you and some things aren't.

The key here is to not let this mindset paralyze you from trying any further and that you are worth whatever you want even if you don't get it.

To change the pattern, you need to change your mindset, even if the result is not what you want. It all depends on what is happening inside you.

2. Everyone abandons you

Another common toxic mindset is the belief that they will eventually everyone left. This usually develops due to childhood problems.

There are so many doubts in my mind. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

You start building walls around yourself to protect your heart. You're creating a scenario where the people you love will leave you and you'll be alone, and you're sabotaging all relationships because of it.

If you want to fix your abandonment issues, you first need to get to the root of how it all started and what parts of it you carry forward into your relationships.

What triggers such a mindset? Old unresolved wounds.

3. You have to fight to get what you want

Do you feel that there is a belief in you that what you have not worked for that you don't deserve it?

It's toxic, this mindset keeps you from dreaming or following your heart, your passion, because you believe you have to work hard to earn the life you want.

And you often feel guilty if you're not doing enough, so you try to fill your time with things that don't excite you at all, just so you can feel productive at the end of the day.

If you're happy with the way you live, even if you're not trying too hard, that's all that matters. How others view your life is not your problem. You have to start believing that they are good things can be simple and that it is possible to achieve your dreams even without pain and struggle.

4. You can't quit

You are bombarded with motivational messages such as; don't give up, don't give up... But sometimes the best and only option for you is to give up. Fight for what you want and what you love, but when you no longer have the energy, motivation or desire to keep going, give up.

I enjoy life. Photo: Bruno Ada / Unsplash

There is nothing wrong with leaving a job that makes you unhappy. If you end a relationship that hurt you. If you stop living in a city that sucks the life out of you. Depending on the situation, sometimes staying is more toxic than quitting.

5. Be a good person

Sometimes you are better off without some people in your life. If break ties with people , who disrespect you or bring constant drama and trouble into your life, is the only healthy decision you've made.

It is important to be empathetic, kind and forgiving in some cases and to know how to draw a line and set boundaries with people who don't have them or with people who make your life difficult.

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