
5 tricks to always look good in photos

Photo: Mateus Campos Felipe / Unsplash

Do you love taking pictures but are never satisfied with how you look in the photo? In the ocean of perfect (and perfectly edited) photos online, you may feel like you're the only one who 'freezes' when someone says 'cheese' and it's like you're the only one who closes your eyes when the flash fires.

Sometimes you don't even know what to do with your hands, right?

Here are some tricks that can definitely come in handy the next time you're in front of the lens.

Lighting, lighting

You can have the best make up, dress and hair, if the light is bad you can forget about a good photo. Also avoid areas with overhead lighting that will create deep shadows (including midday sun). Your photos will look good if they are taken in natural light, perhaps sunrise or sunset.

Natural posture

Relax and shrug your shoulders and lengthen your body as if someone is pulling you from above with an invisible thread.

Be natural. Photo: Mateus Campos Felipe / Unsplash


Remember those class photo poses in elementary school when we stood like statues rigid before the watchful eyes of teachers and photographers?
Movement looks much better in photos. When standing, do not stand strictly straight, but put one leg forward to lengthen the figure, a similar rule applies to sitting.

And what about the hands? It is best to use them: lean on your palm, hold a cup of coffee, a bouquet of flowers, a purse or play with your hair.

The face

Do you focus so much on not moving that you end up looking like you just got the craziest news of your life in a photo? A slight smile or half-open lips will make you look much more beautiful and natural.

Have your safe pose. Photo: Tamara Bellis / Unsplash

Although it seems like all models and influencers always manage to take the perfect shot in a second, remember that there are countless shots behind one selfie.

And don't forget to explore your best angles in front of the mirror. Practice to perfection! And if all else fails, you can always use this safe pose.

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