
5 types of men to avoid: they waste your precious time

Photo: IG @onlylovemood

Assuming you're currently single, you're probably thinking about what your next partner might be. Well, definitely not like that!

Whether you've been single for a long time or your love life has only recently ended, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a new boyfriend. Namely, there is a whole range of men that you should avoid, especially if you don't want your heart to be broken and have another failed relationship "on the hump". Today, we present to you the types of men who will not make you happy and need to be recognized in the crowd in order to successfully avoid them.

A man born to complain

Nothing will be good enough for him. He will either be bothered by you laughing too loudly, or he will think you are too ambitious, too enthusiastic, etc. You don't need a person to complain about your every attempt to be who you really are. Such men are classic confidence killers.

A man who is emotionally unavailable

It is quite realistic to expect to meet a man whose heart has already been broken by a girl. But what you don't need is a man who doesn't want his heart to heal. In fact, he enjoys suffering and won't let anyone get close to him. He likes you running around him and him constantly pushing you. You are just wasting your precious time with such a guy.


A man who prefers sports to you

Most men will reveal their love of sports to their loved one at some point. And that's totally OK. But if sports always come first, and if a man isn't there when you really need him because there's a game on TV, just skip him. It's not worth the effort.

A man who is constantly analyzing

Such a man thinks that he is Freud. It analyzes your every step, sentence and thought. Based on your choice of ice cream, it finds out what kind of person you are. He will be betrayed by a smug smile and an attempt to "stick" a label on you. And worst of all, such a man will try to fix you.

A man who believes he is superior to everyone

This is a special type of man who feels strong and exalted in relation to everyone around him. He will never give you a genuine smile, nor will he compliment you. Together with him, you will easily begin to see other people, including yourself, as less valuable. To make matters worse, in reality such a man has nothing to brag about except that he is living a lie.


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