
5 ways to "charm" your partner for life - the third tip is crucial!

In relationships, partners usually have two goals: to learn to love themselves and others, or to control others in order to get love and avoid pain. If you choose the first destination, you will keep the connection. But if you choose to be in control, be prepared to be left alone.

1. Take responsibility for your emotions

If you believe that it depends on your partner whether you will be happy, satisfied and how much you are worth, you have made a big mistake.

Live your own life and try to be happy and self-reliant. If you argue with your partner, don't punish him by being silent and ignoring him. Tell him everything that's on your mind, no matter how painful it is. Never punish him by punishing yourself.

Cheating, falling into depression and turning to alcohol (and other addictions) will only punish you. Learn to cope with all the situations that life throws at you, and in order to be strong enough to do so, you must first learn how to love yourself!

2. Show him you care, every day

Do you show him how much you love him every day? And he to you? Are you always there for each other no matter what?

A relationship is based on love, tenderness and compassion, but partners, especially those in long-term relationships, sometimes simply forget this. Be honest: how often do you show him that you care and how often do you blame him for things that may not be his fault? If you're critical of your partner, there's a good chance you're also critical of yourself.

Relax, look into your heart and let the relationship be what you deserve.


3. Learn to love it, not control it

In relationships, partners usually have two goals: to learn to love themselves and the other, or to control the other in order to get love and avoid pain.

If you choose the first destination, you will keep the connection. But if you choose to be in control, be prepared to be left alone.

4. Enjoy the time you spend together

Time spent with your partner, tenderness, shared laughter, kisses and every moment spent together are the basis for a strong and stable relationship. But if you're doing it just because you've gotten used to it, don't hope that the relationship will really last.

Relationships thrive when both partners mutually enjoy the things they do together. If one of them, or even both of them, takes such moments for granted, the relationship is doomed to silent despair - doom.


5. Be grateful for all the good things you spent together

Be grateful for all the good and beautiful things that have happened to you since you've been together. Forget the bad things and don't complain about something that is long gone.

Love is based on mutual respect and communication and providing tenderness. If both of you are aware of this and act accordingly, nothing will be able to destroy your relationship.

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