
5 ways to attract (and keep) any man you want

Photo: Envato

Men are visual creatures, natural and simple. This is how nature made people. That's how we work. Leaving aside our rational and creative minds, we are mere mammals equipped to continue the human species. At our core, we are reproductive devices.

Scientists have calculated that more than 99.9 percent of living things that have ever lived are extinct. We humans are not. Why? Because our genetic material is constantly being refined for seduction and reproduction as efficient as possible.

Much of this masterpiece begins with a man's complete fascination with a woman, which - seen from the point of view of biochemistry - is of purely visual origin. Of course, it's not all about looks, but if we want to take advantage A 20 million year old process, written in our DNA, and learn how to attract men, let's take a peek inside the art of body language and let's check if it has any effect on the number of men you attract to your vicinity.

So if you're wondering what to do to get a guy to like you, here it is 5 simple ways to improve your seduction and attracted a few more men into her life - and that without a single word.

1. Laugh more

Laugh more.
Laugh more.

This is by far the easiest way to lure a man into your kingdom. In the 21st century, men are more afraid than ever to approach a woman. Why? Social roles are no longer as well-defined as they once were, and compared to their great-grandfathers, they are modern men less confident. A warm smile can therefore encourage a man, to go to you.

A reputable partner relations expert, Dr. Pat Allen also suggests using red lipstick. The females of our distant ancestors, four-legged primates, once seduced males with their tense genitalia, but today, when this area is hidden due to walking on two legs, the magnet for seduction has been transferred to other, more exposed lips.

2. Make eye contact, then look away

Make eye contact, then look away.
Make eye contact, then look away.

Next time you're at a bar, use it a combination of your beautiful smile and 3-5 seconds of eye contact. A 2-second glance will explain itself as: "Did she just look at me?", a 3-second angle "I think she just checked me out - or maybe the guy behind me", and a 4–5-second one with “Okay, that's it. She just looked at me. I have to talk to her!".

The combination of a smile and eye contact subconsciously tells a man that you perceive him as a potential sexual partner.

dr. Pat Allen explains that humans have more white in their eyes than other species, mainly because we communicate more with our eyes. So accentuate your cute look at your next social event with using eyeliner.

3. Play with your hair

Play with your hair.
Play with your hair.

You're in a bar, a class, a store. He's standing 10 steps away from you, watching the game, studying, or deciding how many cans of tuna to buy. Give him a 3-5 second glance followed by a charming smile, then continue shopping.

While you are holding a shopping basket in one hand, you are with the other hand slowly reach into your hair, lift it a few times, then let it slide gently to the nape of your neck and then further to your collarbone. The allure and playfulness of your hair combined with the softness of your neck will stir up some "mating" chemicals in him that will trigger hunting instinct.

4. Raise your shoulders and straighten your back

Raise your shoulders and arch your back.
Raise your shoulders and arch your back.

This is going to sound a little silly, but you might want to let nature help you a little with yours sexual elixir. A hunched back is a phenomenon that occurs in almost all female mammals estrus phase. This is the stage that all male mammals look forward to as it is a sign that she is a female ready for the mating dance and intercourse.

So the next time you're in the store and you're reaching for a product on the top shelf, remember all the DNA history you're triggering in the guy next to you by stretching like that.

5. Invite him into your personal space

Invite him into your personal space.
Invite him into your personal space.

You may have done all of the above with a perfect score (5), but if you have friends around, he may never approach you, because society can act as a kind of wall between you and him.

If you are alone, there will be no problems with this point, but if you are in the company of your friends, move away from them a little and invite into your personal space.

After you have successfully used the trump cards given to you by nature, you can now finally show your remaining strengths: your intellect, humor, charm and various social achievements. Good luck!

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