
53rd Borštnik's Meeting Festival 2018: revised edition

Hedda Gabler: Grand Prix 2015.

As the central Slovenian theater festival, Borštnik's meeting has been enriching Slovenian theater and cultural space for more than half a century. Every year, the second half of October is colored by culture, and visitors witness high-quality productions created by foreign and Slovenian artists. This year's edition will be renewed, but will still be based on established approaches from previous years, on which the festival built its identity.

Important information
Slovenian National Theater Maribor
Entrance fee
Different prices according to category and performances.

Borštnik's meeting festival will bring this year as well quality content for the greatest lovers of art and culture. In the second half of October, visitors will be able to Slovenian National Theater in Maribor witnessed a rich program that includes a selection of performances by Slovenian institutional and non-governmental producers in the competition and accompanying program, invited theater performances from abroad, training, workshops and activities for audience development, student theater and professional events in cooperation with Slovenian and foreign co-organizers.

Wedding: Grand Prize 2014.
Wedding: Grand Prize 2014.

We will be in the competition program according to the selection of the selector Zale Dobovšek saw 10 selected productions of the past theater season. She based her selection on the basis of the relationship that the performances establish towards "community/common, time, methodological research and criticality towards the current state of the world", where she also pointed out the drying up of independent production due to problematic systemic circumstances in the field of performing arts.

Hedda Gabler: Grand Prix 2015.
Hedda Gabler: Grand Prix 2015.

This year's edition will offered a renewed and improved festival image, based on combining new programming and implementation ideas and established approaches from previous years, on which the festival has successfully built its own for decades identity.

Learned Women based on Moliere's Learned Women: Grand Prize 2016.
Learned Women based on Moliere's Learned Women: Grand Prize 2016.

It is with this year festival extended for a few extra days, in the introductory part between Monday and Friday, when it is already the traditional ceremonial opening of the festival, will created new software packages: Young theater, which will be dedicated to the training of teaching staff and theater creators, and Student theater, which will offer an international selection of student productions and workshops by foreign mentors. Both sets are also aimed at developing new audiences.

Hedda Gabler: Grand Prix 2015.
Hedda Gabler: Grand Prix 2015.

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