The shoulders are a part of the body that is essential for performing daily movements with the arms, so it is important to take care of them and strengthen them with exercises. Weak shoulders can lead to a hunched posture, limited range of motion, and an increased chance of injury. That's why we have prepared 6 exercises for you that will strengthen your shoulders and arms, improve your posture and beautify your figure.
1. Raises for biceps
This exercise is most focused on yours biceps, and for it (just like for the exercises that follow) you will need two 1-2 kilogram weights. Take each weight in your hand and turn your palms against the body. Then weights at the same time lift up to the shoulders, whereby your biceps and elbows they stay straightened next to the body. Beginners repeat the exercise 10 times.
2. Raises on the sides
You will also strengthen the biceps with raises on the sides: an exercise that begins in a similar way to classic lifts. Grab one of the weights with each hand, then your hands stretch out to the side, i.e. away from the body, towards the shoulders. Make sure they are yours feet hip-width apart, and your abdominal muscles are tight. Repeat this exercise as well 10 times.
3. Lifts overhead
You start the exercise in standing, upright position, in which you hold a weight in each hand. Yours palms let them be facing the ceiling, yours upper arms however they should be placed parallel to the ground. Then the hands tighten up, while being careful not to rest them behind your head - this would strain your neck. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
4. Lift straight ahead
Lifts straight ahead start in standing, upright position, in which you hold a weight in each hand. Your hands should be straightened at the thighs, yours palms well upside down one against the other. Then clench your right hand straight ahead and lift it up to shoulder height. Then slowly lower it to the starting position and repeat the exercise with left hand. Raise each hand 10 times.
5. Planking with weights
Start the exercise in the forward position planking, holding one of the weights in each hand so that it rests on top of it you lean back. Make sure it's yours back straight, and then right elbow lift up upwards, higher than the back. Then slowly return the arm to the starting position and repeat the exercise with left elbow. We recommend it to beginners 10 repetitions on each page.
6. Raises in the shape of the letter Y
Start the exercise in standing, upright position, in which the hands with weights they lie side by side. Yours palms let them be facing forward. Then both hands lift at the same time, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Hands in diagonal directions lift until your body forms a letter Y. Then slowly lower them to the starting position and repeat the exercise 10 times.