
6 European destinations for everyone who is on a "budget"


The desire to travel and discover the world arises in many people much more often than it is good for the financial situation. But this does not mean that you have to stay at home - we present you some alternatives where you can go even in a period when you are tighter with money.

No need to go to the other side of the world, yes experience a different pulse of the city, you meet new people and again feel that rush of adrenaline that rushes through your body every time you set off on a new adventure.

These European destinations offer a range of new discoveries, and they are perfect for all those of you on “the budget“.

Bucharest (Romania)


Bucharest is a wonderful destination mainly because it still has tourism does not rule – the prices are quite low and the pulse of the city is authentic. It applies to the second the cheapest capital city in Europe. When you're there, don't forget to see their parliament, which is so huge that it consumes around 6 million euros in electricity and heating annually. In addition to the parliament, there are other things worth seeing revolution square, but don't skip many of them beautiful parks, which the city offers.

What are the prices in this city? For a taxi, you will be charged approx. for every kilometer driven 0.4 euros, for a mug of draft beer good euro, and for a meal in a cheap restaurant 5 euros. You can find a bed in a shared room in a hostel for 5 euros per night.

Krakow (Poland)


Once you visit Krakow, you will find yourself in this charming city wanted to return again and again. It boasts one of the largest medieval markets in Europe and boasts the award of the third cheapest European city. While you're there, don't forget to check out the famous neighborhood Kazimierz, Basilica of Saint Francis and the former factory of Oscar Schindler, who saved the lives of thousands of Jews during World War II.

What are the prices in this city? For a cappuccino you will pay around 1.5 euros, even for a cheap meal less than 5 euros. You can sleep in the hostel from 10 euros the next night.

Sofia (Bulgaria)


Similar to Bucharest, Sofia also it does not have an established tourist scene, which brings the possibility of freely discovering the city, without pre-written guidelines, something you must not miss. When you explore the city on your own, stop by the cathedral Saint Alexander Nevsky, if you feel like nature, we recommend climbing to the nearby mountain Vitošo.

What are the prices in this city? In Sofia, a draft beer in a restaurant will cost you approx euro, and the cheapest accommodation is already available for 7 euros. Entrance fees to museums are also very affordable (from 2 to 5 euros), and students also get it 50 % discount.

Budapest (Hungary)


Budapest has everything a big city should have - hidden corners, glamorous buildings, great museums and a variety of restaurants. Unlike Rome or Vienna, however, all this offers at a much lower rate. Don't miss out on seeing the mighty parliamentary palacesa walk along the promenade along the Danube, and you can end the day with a relaxing bath in the Gellert pools.

What are the prices in this city? You can get a modest lunch for as little as 6 euros, a bed in a hostel can also be found at a lower price 10 euros.

Vilnius (Lithuania)


Vilnius is a real hidden gem - its streets reign supreme the endlessly pleasant pulse of the city, and in restaurants it is possible for a fairly normal price dine like a lord. Vilnius is of course a bit more expensive than the other cities on this list, as it is located quite north. Still, it is relatively cheap for the Nordic countries. It has a reputation for excellence classroom arts, but it's also worth a look museum of genocide. Don't miss a walk along the bohemian street Uzupis neighborhood.

What are the prices in this city? You can get beer at the bar for 2 euros, and dinner can also be found for less than 10 euros.

Bratislava (Slovakia)


Bratislava otherwise it is not as glamorous as neighboring Vienna, but that's why it's so much more pleasant, natural, authentic and of course affordable!

What are the prices in this city? A meal in a good restaurant costs money less than 5 euros, and city transport is cheaper than in Ljubljana (between 0.8 and 1.3 euros per ride). Don't miss a tour when you're there the castle, St. Martin's Cathedralthe Grassalkovich Palace and the Blue Church.

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