
6 Reasons Why Some People Don't Wear a Wedding Ring

Photo: Drew Coffman/Unsplash

Putting a ring on your hand means promising to love someone forever. But there are also pretty good reasons why some people keep their ring in a drawer. This has nothing to do with infidelity, disrespect, lies or lack of love, so read this post to see why this is so.

History records that the tradition of wedding rings originates from ancient Egypt. A lot of evidence confirms that the first betrothed were the ancient Egyptians almost five thousand years ago, the ring – as a symbol of eternity however, it was popular in many cultures.

The ancient Romans believed that a vein leads directly to the heart through the fourth finger of the left hand, so after the engagement we wear a ring on this finger. Although today we know that such a vein does not exist, we still cherish the tradition and look forward to that sweet moment when a loved one asks us if we will marry them. This custom also continues on the wedding day, when the newlyweds exchange hands wedding rings, which are a prelude to a life together. But some of you don't like wearing rings or simply think that a piece of jewelry has nothing to do with love, so they bypass this tradition.

1. Personal beliefs

Some simply believe that this tradition has nothing to do with love and that it is the ring is just a sign that shows our love to the people around us. Love is an intimate feeling between two people that they do not prove to others, so people of this opinion avoid tradition.


2. Allergies

Some people just can't stand gold and silver because their the skin becomes red and itchy. Regardless of whether they agree with this tradition or not, the jewelry causes them health problems, so they are forced to put their wedding rings in a drawer and show their love in other ways.

3. Work

Some professions exclude the wearing of a ring. For example, surgeons, builders or people who work with heavy machinery simply cannot wear rings because it is completely impractical for them and is can be dangerous. Even some athletes avoid this tradition due to its impracticality.

4. Practicality

Some people are not used to wearing rings, so this tradition is very impractical for them. There are those who only wear the ring on special occasions, and after a while they simply forget about it.


5. Excess weight

Some married couples wear rings all their lives, and over the years the extra pounds accumulate. This can be an extremely uncomfortable situation, but it can also happen that it is necessary cut the ring. After such an experience, people decide to put the ring away forever.

6. Some people don't like jewelry

And that's totally fine. If you've avoided wearing jewelry all your life, wedding tradition shouldn't change that.

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