
6 rules to make your beautiful cactus bloom

Photo: Balm / Pixabay

Cacti are a popular choice for many who want to beautify their home because of their unusual appearance and also because they do not require much care. They become even more beautiful when they bloom - yes, all cacti can bloom. If you're wondering why yours hasn't made it yet, here are the 6 most common reasons.

1. He is not yet mature enough

If your cactus hasn't started blooming yet, don't worry. In most cases, this does not mean that you are doing anything wrong - the flowers only appear on mature cacti. The time this plant takes to mature varies from species to species and is generally long longer, as with other flowers. Only rare species bloom in the first years of life. A type with a name the great Arizona columnar will develop flowers only after fifty years. So check which cactus you have. The species should bloom the fastest Rebuita, Mamillaria, Lobby, Echinocactus, Notocactus and Rhipsalidopsis.

The Notocactus species is known for its beautiful flowers Photo: Loredanakardia / Pixabay

2. You are watering it too much or too little

In principle, cacti do not need abundant watering, so do not overdo it. On average, it is quite enough to water this plant once a week and this in such a way that the earth only soak it, i.e. that there is no excess water. The most important thing is to start watering the cactus upon arrival warmer weather.

3. It needs more sun

Place cacti where they will receive enough light Photo: Rovelyn Camato / Pexels

Most cacti need the right amount to flower sunlight. Therefore, it is best to place both houseplants and cacti that you have outdoors in a place where they will receive morning sun rays. These will help them get everything they need to flourish. It is best to move indoor plants to the summer months balcony. However, this does not apply to all cacti. Types Haworthia and Gasteria they can bloom even in the shade.

4. Do not fertilize the soil

In order for the cactus to flourish, it must receive enough nutrients from the soil in which it grows. If your plant was planted in a good substrate (mix volcanic sand, hummus or compost and garden loam), fertilization in principle is not necessary. Take care of it if you notice that your cactus does not want to bloom at all. Fertilize while the soil is still moist. Do it every month, and use a fertilizer rich in phosphorus.

5. You did not ensure the appropriate temperature

According to many gardeners, it is right temperature most important for flowering. Most species grow mainly in summer months and then it demands quite a lot high temperature. Seedlings and young cacti need a higher temperature than older plants and must also stay indoors during the winter a warmer place. They also love fresh air, so don't forget about ventilation of the room. In winter, the ideal temperature for older cacti is around 10°C, because then they "rest".

Did you provide the right temperature for the cactus? Photo: Quang Nguyen Vinh / Pexels

6. You didn't transplant the cactus

It is best to transplant a cactus every time some years during their period of rest. This means late winter or in early spring. It is necessary to do this when they outgrow the pot in which they are located. When transplanting, choose a container with a diameter of z 2-3 cm larger than the current one. Also pay attention to drainage holes at the bottom of the pot - they must allow the water to drain.

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