
6 secrets of Jennifer Lopez that help her maintain an enviable youthful appearance

Even if you don't know anything about Jennifer Lopez, you might have noticed that she's looked pretty much the same for a decade. From the 90s to today, she managed to maintain smooth skin, a beautiful figure and shiny hair. Genes certainly play a role in this, and of course the fact that the rich actress can afford many treatments. In the article, we reveal 6 secrets of Jennifer Lopez, which help her maintain an enviable and youthful appearance.

Here we reveal 6 secrets of Jennifer Lopez that help her maintain an enviable youthful appearance.

Unconditional skin care

Jennifer is for People magazine she said, that he never goes to bed before cleaning his skin. Sleeping with make-up is absolutely forbidden. Use a night cream every evening, and various nourishing oils in the morning.

Never forget the cream
Never forget the cream

Sun protection

The sun, especially during global warming, is very dangerous for the skin. At best it dries it out and ages it, at worst it causes skin cancer. Lopez also takes good care of her skin by apply sunscreen even in winter.

He knows no excuses when it comes to exercise

Lopez as a form of exercise prefers dancing. She loves to dance, so on days when she just doesn't feel like moving, she has less trouble finding motivation.

When it comes to exercise, Jennifer knows no excuses
When it comes to exercise, Jennifer knows no excuses


Lopez watches what she eats. Her meals consist of plenty of vegetables and good forms of protein. He does not smoke and avoids alcohol and caffeine.

Acid for skin renewal

You are with dead cells helps with acid peeling. With its low pH, it removes impurities and dead skin.

She uses acid peels for glowing skin
She uses acid peels for glowing skin


Lopez swears by meditation and mindfulness. He starts and ends his day with meditation. Beauty, after all, lies primarily within us.

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