
6 signs he loves you even if he hasn't told you yet

Body language doesn't lie

Photo: Chermiti Mohamed / Unsplash

Has your partner not said that word yet? Are you wondering the easiest way to find out if he really loves you? We have 6 body language signs for you that will reveal the answer.

If you want to know what your partner's true feelings are, focus on their body language. With it, we often communicate our feelings before words do. What should you pay special attention to?

1. He stares into your eyes for a long time

Eye contact that lasts for a long time can quickly become uncomfortable. But if this doesn't happen to you and you feel calm and comfortable while watching each other lovingly, it means that a deep connection has developed between you.

2. He laughs all the time

If your partner spends the time you are with him with a smile on his face that does not disappear from his lips, this is a sign that he absolutely adores your company. And if he often starts laughing at you for no reason, it means that you are making him happy and satisfied.

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

3. Mimics your body language

When a man feels relaxed in your company and feels intimate with you, his body language will begin to match yours. He won't do it consciously, it will just happen, so pay attention. Do you walk in the same rhythm? Reaching for a cup of coffee at the same time? Do you look at each other at the same time? These are all signs that you are on the right track as a couple.

4. He developed rituals that are only yours

Does he kiss you three times every time you say goodbye? Does he stroke your hair every time you hug? Have you developed inside jokes that no one else would understand? It's little things like this that prove you mean more to him than he's revealed to you with words so far.

5. He doesn't mind sharing his personal space with you

When we're not in love, we tend to need some personal space. But when feelings grow in us, most of us suddenly want to be as close as possible to our partner. If your partner lies down on the sofa next to you without thinking, leans towards you during a conversation, prefers to spend time in your arms... this shows that he likes your closeness and that he loves you.

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

6. He touches you all the time

A man in love won't be able to keep his hands off you. And we don't just mean sexually. If your partner takes your hand during a walk, hugs you often, tickles you... it means that he feels warmth and love next to you.

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