
6 signs that there is an energy vampire near you and how to deal with it

Photo: Envato

An energy vampire can be anyone around you, even if it's a family member or a close friend. This is the person around whom you feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Constant energy fluctuations can cause great physical and emotional distress. It is important to recognize the energy vampire and deal with it effectively.

Dramatic behavior

Because of their dramatic and emotional behavior, energy vampires tend to be at the center of disaster. Once they get their hands on you, they throw drama at you in hopes that you will absorb it and correct their mistake.

What to do: If they try to trick you, don't fall into their trap, but retreat by saying that you are tired. They will most likely leave you alone and go to another source because they need someone to fall victim to.


They often criticize

Energy vampires usually are uncertain and they will try to find tactics criticizing, that you too will become insecure. If so, this person will make you feel like you owe them something.

What to do: These people can even use your non-verbal cues – body positions and facial expressions – to attack. So try to look as cool as possible and answer their questions with short answers - this will help you keep your energy to yourself and not be drained by theirs.

They use ultimates

They will rely on your guilt and get what they set out to get from you. The same goes for ultimates, they grab your attention and then force you to do something you probably wouldn't do otherwise.

What to do: Have a way to snap back to reality. Find out who can help you with reality checks in any given situation, it could be a friend or someone you trust. Make sure your feeling is real and not what an energy vampire is trying to force on you.

They use up goodness

The main targets of energy vampires are those who are compassionate and also sensitive. Those who have a kind heart listen to problems and have endless energy. They will use this against you and drain your spark. You may notice that such a person wants most of their attention and spends a lot of time with you. They also know that you won't reject them because it will make you feel guilty.

What to do: Set boundaries as it is important not to allow such a person into every area of your life. Start small, cancel coffee or dinner, and then expand the areas.

Emotional distress

Energy vampires are codependent and involved in various emotional distress. By doing so, they spread the drama and their own emotional needs.

What to do: If possible, eliminate such persons from your life. If it is a family member, try to avoid direct conversations and use messages instead.



In addition to criticism, energy vampires also try to bully you, especially if they want to start emotional drama. In this case, your fear is a weapon for them, because they will use it to collect your energy, use it to increase their self - ego, and you will become upset and scared.

What to do: Act like you don't care. Don't answer them no matter what happens. Also, don't entertain them as they will soon lose interest in you.

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