
6 Signs You're Finally Ready to Date Again

Photo: IG humanlovers

You are still afraid of getting hurt again.

But there comes a time when wounds heal. When the pain is gone and you are ready to open your heart to other people and allow them to come into your life.

Has that time come yet? Here are 6 signs that it is!

1. You almost healed a wounded heart

Your heart doesn't need to be 100% healed, but it should be healed enough that it has enough strength to handle new love. You don't want to jump into a new relationship too soon and end up hurting the other person because you might not want to commit again.

You know where you are. You know how much your heart can take. If you're only interested in something casual, that's fine, but make sure the other person knows that. Don't give mixed signals.

2. You have worked on personal growth to become more independent

You don't want to get into a relationship because you're afraid of being alone. You're afraid because you don't think you have what it takes to take care of yourself again.

You have to prove to yourself that you can find yourself. You must demonstrate that you are able to act emotionally and practically. Don't leave a relationship just because you need a partner. You should get into a relationship because you want a partner.

3. You don't feel like you need to be in a relationship

You don't want to jump back into the dating pool too soon just because you feel like you should. You don't want to be pressured by others before you're really ready.

If you go on a date, make sure that a real bond is established between you. Make sure it's something you actually want to do. And not something you feel like you have to because you've been single for so long.


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4. You know exactly what you want from a relationship

Is not necessary. that you have your whole future planned out, but it's easier to go on a date if you know which qualities in a partner are important to you and which ones aren't.

This way you can cross some people off your list. You won't have to waste time with them. In this way, you will find a person who suits you faster.

5. You tried to get rid of your toxic traits

You are not perfect. You have your faults. You have your insecurities. If you were overly jealous in your last relationship, or if you were always checking your partner's messages because you have trust issues, then you should work on trusting yourself more.

Make sure you head into your next relationship with as little baggage as possible. You won't be a perfect partner, but it's important that you try to do your best.

6. You understand your worth

It's not true that you have to love yourself before someone else can love you. But you should never settle for less than you deserve. And when you realize this, it's easier to eliminate people who treat you badly from your life.

As hard as it is, try to remember how beautiful, intelligent and strong you are. Remember that you don't have to pretend or change to make a relationship work because the right person will see your worth.

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