
6 signs that you're not in love, you're just afraid of being single again

Photo: envato

Do you ever wonder if you are truly in love in a relationship or if you are just avoiding being single again?

In the world of love, we sometimes find ourselves at a crossroads where we have to take an honest look at ourselves feelings and recognize are we really in love or are we just driven by the fear of loneliness?.

At this time when we are faced with relationship decisions, understanding is key, what we actually feel.

Are you in a relationship just out of fear of being single again?

Is it time to go? Photo: Somnox / Unsplash

Consider these six specific characters, which may indicate that your relationship is not built on love, but on the fear of loneliness.

1. You are happier without them

If you always feel happier and more relaxed when you are away from your partner, this is a worrying sign. Your partner should be someone who makes you feel happier, not someone you count the seconds until he leaves.

2. You don't enjoy one-on-one time

While you may be having fun with your partner in the company of others, but not really looking forward to spending time alone with them, you should consider your feelings. The right person is the one you enjoy spending time with, not the one who is just an addition to your social life.

Is this love? Photo: Sorin Sirbu / Unsplash

3. A joint future is not your goal

If you are afraid to give up the relationship just because of the already established history, but you don't really imagine a future together with this person, it's time to think about your feelings. Marriage and other life decisions should be the result of love, not just fear of loneliness.

4. You care more about your image on social media than your actual relationship

If you're more concerned with maintaining the appearance of perfection on social media than actually building a healthy relationship, it's a warning sign that you may not be as in love as you'd like to imagine. Focus on real happiness in the relationship, not on the outside.

5. Fear of falling behind friends

If you're feeling pressured by friends who are dating or have kids, and that's why you're staying in a relationship, you need to rethink your motivations. Love and relationships know no time frame, and there is no reason to panic.

6. You'd rather stay in an unhealthy relationship than explore the unknown

If you think it's safer to stay in the wrong relationship because it's known, remember that the unknown isn't necessarily negative. Having the courage to end an unhealthy relationship can bring happiness and fulfillment you never expected. Don't be afraid to explore a new path in life.

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