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6 signs you are turning into a toxic person

Are you becoming a toxic person?

Do you like everything under control? Want to know exactly where your partner is? Do you have trust issues? Never guilty of anything? If you are in a bad mood, is it the fault of others and not you? Do you recognize yourself in these questions?

You may spend a lot of energy and time identifying toxic relationships in your life, but how often do you think about yourself? What if you yourself have some toxic behaviors and unconsciously manifest them in your relationships with others?

If you want to find out if you have any signs of a toxic person, you've come to the right place.

1. Monitor 24 hours a day

Are you a person who never loses sight of your partner or friend? Do you want to do it all together and want to know everything about every step of it? Such a relationship can quickly become toxic. There is a possibility that the person around you will feel trapped. Remember, communication is the essence of any healthy relationship and can solve many problems.


2. You feel that others are responsible for your happiness

You always expect others to make you happy when you're in a bad mood, when you're having a bad day, when things don't go your way. Then you expect the other person to make you happy no matter what. Remember that everyone is responsible for their own happiness. Expecting someone else to take care of your happiness is not healthy.

3. Your problems are always the biggest

Telling someone that you've had a similar experience is something completely different than trying to prove in every way that it was harder for you. In the first case, you identify with the person and feel a real connection. The second is toxic behavior.


4. You are not ready to compromise

Of course, everyone has certain ideas and wishes. But in any relationship, romantic or friendly, the individual must be ready to accept compromises. When two different opinions meet, conversation and compromises are necessary.

5. You want to fix everything and everyone

Are you unconsciously attracted to relationships similar to those in which you were powerless in your youth? Or do you just like to help? Do not correct others, they are not your project. And just because you know you can solve their problem doesn't mean you have to.


6. You remind others of their mistakes

Don't think when you point out a person to their mistakes and embarrass them, thinking that this will motivate them to change. It's just painful and repulsive. Instead, you would just simply tell that person that you are there for them if they need anything.

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