
What does the font reveal about your character?

Photo: envato

Did you know that handwriting reveals a lot about the psyche? By changing the font, you can get rid of bad habits or even depression. We will reveal to you some important things about graphology and graphotherapy. "Graphology" is the name given to the skill of interpreting and identifying handwriting. In graphotherapy, the connection between writing and the writer's personality is used to achieve targeted changes in behavior and personality. So changing your font can help you break bad habits and even prevent depression.

What does your handwriting reveal about you?

The first step is to understand what your the font actually tells about your character. Do you write in upper or lower case letters? Are the letters slanted to the left or right? Do you have a simple or ornate font? Graphology includes all of these and allows you to make inferences about your personality.

Photo: envato

Basic graphological rules that reveal your personality

  • Writing in capital letters means you are generous, extroverted persona.
  • Lowercase means you are an introverted and trustworthy person.
  • If you write straight, it shows that you have a lot of things under control, you are too calm.
  • If your font is tilted to the right, you are impulsive and confident person.
  • If your font is tilted to the left, you are a stubborn person.
  • If you connect letters, you are intuitive and sociable person.
  • If the letters are separated when writing, you are considered to be productive and creative person.
  • If you use heavy pressure when writing, it indicates that you are emotional and sensitive person.
  • If you use light pressure when writing, you are quite detained person.

The personality traits reflected in your writing can be changed through graphotherapy. However, it should be noted that there is a need for such things to look at comprehensively. Your writing is as varied as your personality. Therefore, it is recommended to have it fully analyzed by a graphologist, because one negative trait does not mean that you are a bad person. But these qualities can only be an indication that you need to work on yourself, and change your mindset and life attitude.

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