
6 signs that you have encountered a toxic friend

Photo: envato

One of the most beautiful things is meeting someone with whom we completely get along, whether it's a romantic or platonic relationship. However, you have to be careful when it comes to friendship: it is still too easy to ignore the signs that show that the friendship will have a very fast or unhappy ending. We have prepared for you 6 signs that mean you have encountered a toxic friend.

1. It doesn't support your goals

It is very important in life to be surrounded by people who like us encourage, to become the best version themselves. So be careful how friend reacts, when you explain to her about yours ambitions. Or in you he believes and good luck in achieving your dreams ready to help, or it is completely disinterested or to your success doubts?
One of the most important features healthy friendship is that each other we support and if you feel like your friend is doing the opposite, then it's time to rethink if you want to be in that kind of relationship to stay.

It's important to have a friend who supports you in your goals Photo: Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

2. He only calls when he needs you

In every relationship it is necessary to be for him both people are trying. This means that you are not the only one who is friends always available, but when you need it yourself, you does not report. Remember they are yours time and energy valuable and that it would be a shame to dedicate them to someone who does not appreciate.
Nevertheless, we advise you not to overreact too fast. Everyone sometimes finds themselves in a period where they have plenty of work or personal problems and that's why unattainable even the closest ones. That's why we suggest that, before ending the relationship, with a friend talk.

3. He does his friends all the time

With occasional performance there's nothing wrong with it: no matter how hard it is to admit it, most people enjoy easy conversation about the lives of others. But the problem arises if you notice that a friend constant he talks about other people - and not just about anyone, but about own friends. In such a case, it is very likely that it is slanders you too.
It is also important that your conversations are not filled with negative. In this way, you will have a hard time in life advanced.

Does your friend constantly do other things? Photo: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

4. He constantly talks about himself

We've all encountered people who have to be in all the time center of attention. Do you think she is a friend? bored, when you explain to her about your life, and can't wait to start talking about Yourself? That the only thing that matters is what she wants, but puts your wishes last? Then it's time to be with her talk.
A friend may be concerned about his behavior he doesn't realize, so it's important to let her know how you feel neglected. This, or the situation change, and it will tell you whether to with the relationship you continue.

5. He does not rejoice in your successes

You finally got it a raise, met "the right one" or you are heading for the well-deserved vacation? Then you can't wait to tell your friend. However, the important thing here is to pay attention to her reaction. Do you think it's for you? genuinely happy or it tempts your success to undermine, saying there is no such thing? Can't wait to learned more or she is in a hurry change the subject?
In life, you want someone by your side who will be you supported and stood by your side both in for better or for worse. If you notice that your friend is not this, then it's time to talk about the relationship think about it.

Watch how your friend reacts to your successes Photo: Amina Filkins / Pexels

6. Attention is more important to her than friendship

Many people attention he absolutely loves it and that's by no means a bad thing. But it's completely different if your friend values attention more than you do emotions and starts you off to ignore as soon as he meets someone new or even you embarrass in front of other friends in order to be alone turned out better.
Such behavior is far from friendly and it's time to put up clear boundaries and you let your so-called friend know what's going on in the relationship do not allow.

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