
6 simple changes for 2019 that will help make the world a better place

People make resolutions at the beginning of the new year, but they are usually a bit too ambitious. So it's no surprise that we forget about them after just a few weeks.

Goals are usually related healthy lifestyle – weight loss, sports participation and healthy eating.

Despite the fact that a few days of the year are already behind us 2019, but there is still time to replace your New Year's resolutions with new ones. We present to you 6 changes in your life that will help make the world a better place.

1. Buy food before the expiration date.

In many supermarkets, we can find a section with foods that will soon pass their use-by date. Traders reduce the price of such products by about 50 %. In this way, they want to encourage customers to help reduce the amount of wasted food.

2. Spend at least 5 minutes a day on mental health.

Meditation relaxes the body and mind.
Meditation relaxes the body and mind.

Stress has become a part of everyday life in modern society. That's why we have to work even harder to push him out of our lives. This can be done with some mobile phone apps that offer relaxing sounds and free meditation practice. Such are, for example, the Calm applications (iOS/Android) and Remente (iOS/Android).

3. Stretch every morning.

Psychologist Amy Cuddy, who serves at Harvard, emphasized during her speech at the TED conference that we can improve the quality of our lives by stretching in the morning. In this way, the body is prepared on a daily basis for the efforts that follow.

4. Find a new hobby.

Fishing? Why not!
Fishing? Why not!

Instead of buying an annual membership to a gym that you'll probably only visit a few times, choose an activity that you can do outdoors. If you are not too interested in sports activities, you can try your hand at fishing. The Fishbrain app (iOS/Android) will prove to be an excellent assistant in catching fish.

5. Pay more attention to books.

Become a bookworm.
Become a bookworm.

Books are a good source of entertainment as well as soothing. If you find it difficult to find time to read, the Blinkist application will come to your aid (iOS/Android). This offers users more than 2000 non-business books in abridged form.

6. Wake up 30 minutes earlier.

Waking up in the morning can be quite tiring.
Waking up in the morning can be quite tiring.

Staying up late at night doesn't seem like a bad idea at first, but it takes its toll on us the next morning. It is for this reason that we recommend that you go to bed a little earlier. That way you will have time to drink your morning cup of coffee or tea in peace.

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