
6 taboos that can improve your relationship: break social norms in a relationship

Photo: envato

In the field of modern relationships, we are increasingly aware that certain taboo topics can actually strengthen the bond between partners. While traditionally avoided for fear of discomfort or conflict, these unconventional approaches can bring couples closer together. In this article, we will delve into six taboo topics that, if approached with trust, respect and open communication, can strengthen the foundations of your relationship. By freeing ourselves from societal norms, we can discover new avenues for growth, understanding, and intimacy with our significant other.

Breaking taboos being in a relationship can be a transformative experience if approached with an open mind, empathy and effective communication. By challenging social norms, couples have the opportunity to grow together, deepen their emotional bond, and explore new areas of intimacy. It is important to remember that every relationship is unique and what works for one couple may not work for another. When navigating these uncharted territories, prioritize mutual consent, respect, and the emotional well-being of both partners. Embrace the freedom to question norms, and in doing so you may discover stronger and more powerful ones fulfilling partnership.

1. Acceptance of separate beds

The stigma surrounding "separation of the bed" often means a failed relationship or a non-existent sex life. However, sleeping in separate beds can be a conscious choice that allows for better sleep, individual space, and the opportunity to nurture desire and intimacy in other aspects of the relationship.


2. Talks about former partners

Breaking down taboos in a relationship also involves an open conversation about past relationships, which can promote trust, understanding and emotional transparency. By sharing these experiences, couples gain insight into each other's growth, learn from past mistakes, and strengthen their bond with empathy and acceptance.

3. Exploring innocent flirtation

While flirting outside of a relationship is often seen as a precursor to infidelity, harmless flirting can actually spice things up if approached with honesty and boundaries. Engaging in playful interactions with others can rekindle passion, increase trust, and remind your partner of the desirability you have for one another.

4. Redefining masturbation

Masturbation should not be seen as a threat to a healthy sexual relationship, but rather as a complement to it. Realizing that solo pleasure and partner sex fulfill different needs can improve communication, self-discovery, and ultimately lead to more satisfying sex.


5. Taking a solo vacation

Planning separate trips or spending time away from each other does not mean a lack of commitment or love. Allowing room for personal growth, independence, and connection with others outside of the relationship can rejuvenate a partnership and bring a sense of balance and fulfillment.

6. Openness to pornography

While excessive pornography consumption or addiction can be harmful, engaging in healthy and consensual sex can be exciting and increase intimacy. Exploring pornography together can spark conversations about desires, preferences, and fantasies, and foster a deeper connection and understanding of each other's sexual needs.

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