
6 things NOT to clean with baking soda

Photo: envato

In the world of natural cleaning solutions, baking soda often takes center stage. This versatile white powder has earned a well-deserved reputation as a cleaning agent for many household tasks. It is popular in the household due to its gentle abrasiveness and natural deodorizing properties. In this article, we reveal tricks for cleaning with baking soda and what you should not clean with baking soda.

Why is baking soda cleaning so popular? bicarbonate of soda is undoubtedly a multi-tasking cleaning superhero, but it's important to be aware of its limitations. Use on wrong surfaces or objects can cause more harm than good, cause unnecessary damage and wear. Knowing what not to clean with baking soda is just as important as knowing what it can clean.

1. Wooden surfaces

Wooden surfaces are prone to damage when exposed to baking soda. Abrasive nature baking soda it can scratch and peel the wood, making it dull and unsightly. Instead choose a wood cleaner or a vinegar and water solution, to preserve the beauty of your prized wooden furniture and flooring.

Baking soda is a natural cleaner, but you should not use it on all surfaces. Photo: Mark/Pexels

2. Aluminum kitchenware

While baking soda is the hero in the cleaning world, it's the villain when it comes to aluminum cookware. Abrasive particles can easily damage the sensitive surface aluminum pots and pans. To preserve the longevity of your kitchen essentials, use a gentler cleaning solution or opt for aluminum-safe alternatives such as tartar.

3. Marble and granite countertops

Baking soda may seem like an eco-friendly solution to cleaning your stone countertops, but it can do more harm than good. Abrasive texture can causes micro scratches, which eventually reduce the shine and beauty of your stone surfaces. A pH-neutral stone cleaner is suitable for these elegant countertops.

Photo: Grabowska/Pexels

4. Electronic devices

Never use baking soda to clean electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets or laptops. Fine dust can penetrate the gaps and damages internal components, which may cause irreparable damage. Instead, use a specialized screen cleaner and a soft microfiber cloth for safe and effective cleaning.

5. Gold and silver jewelry

Baking soda can work wonders on most items, but when it comes to cleaning your precious gold and silver jewelry, it's a no-go. Abrasive nature can scratches the surface of the metal and reduces its brilliance. For delicate pieces of jewelry, a professional jeweler or specialized jewelry cleaning solution is a better choice.

Photo. Alvaro/Unsplash

6. Stainless steel appliances

While stainless steel appliances can often benefit from a good cleaning, baking soda is not the answer. The abrasive properties of baking soda can cause ugly scratches and weaken the shine of your stainless steel surfaces. To keep your kitchen looking sleek and clean, opt for a stainless steel cleaner or a mixture of mild dish detergent and water.

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