
6 tips for creating a summer photo book

Summer has gone bye-bye and you certainly managed to capture many unforgettable moments in it. Let them stay with you, so create your own summer photo book. Use for well-kept memories photo program and application CEWE Fotosvet. In the following, we present you with tips on how to design a photo book.

1. Familiarize yourself with the CEWE Fotosvet photo program and application

Every progress starts with a positive attitude, and CEWE design tools are designed to be user-friendly, intuitive and easy to use. Anyone who uses the Internet can easily master the process of designing CEWE products, and he himself realizes this after designing his first CEWE product.

2. Choose one trip or a certain period of time as the subject of your photo book

One of the beginner's mistakes that most new CEWE users make is that they want to cram photos of various events from the last 5, 10 or even 20 years into one photobook. In certain cases this is a good choice, the photos can be arranged in a logical sequence, but from experience we advise you to choose one topic, event or time period when designing your photobook for aesthetic, visual, organizational and thematic reasons. If you spent this summer on a long trip, the photobook should be dedicated only to this, for example Santorini 2021, Wandering through Scandinavia, Portugal,... If you have taken several small trips, you can chronologically arrange and present the events, for example Exploring Slovenia, Road trip through the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Camping 2021, ...

3. Prepare in advance a folder with the photos you want to include in your photo book

This is one of the most important rules. For example, if you have 600 photos of a certain event, but you want to insert 50 or 60 photos into your photo book, it is very important to make a short selection of photos beforehand and save them in a separate folder, which you then open in the CEWE photo program. If you want to include several trips in your summer photobook, we advise you to create a separate folder for each event.

4. Use the Assistant in the photo program

After uploading the folders with the selected photos, the arrangement of the photos on the pages follows. The CEWE photo program is very easy to use, but for those who are starting to design a photo book for the first time, we advise you to use the CEWE Assistant, which will itself offer you a proposal for arranging the photos. If you don't like the layout, you can always change it or adapt it to your taste.

5. Insert 3-4 photos per page

Despite the fact that CEWE printing is at the top level and the quality of the materials is premium, we advise you to insert 3-4 photos on each page, so that they are sharp enough and will stand out. Even with the largest formats, pages with a smaller number of photos look much more transparent. Instead of a large number of photos, add some text or summer clipart.

6. Choose a popular format and a suitable photo book binding

In the CEWE offer, you can choose from many different formats and bindings. If you have a lot of panoramic shots of beautiful views and sunsets, we advise you to choose a flat binding and insert the panoramic photos across both sides. That's how they will really express themselves. Also, in the case of panoramic photos, the best choice is the Large panorama format or the XXL panorama format.


It runs until the end of September at CEWE the biggest campaign of the year to ALL CEWE PHOTOBOOKS! When you order any photobook, you get as many as 50 pages for the price of 26! Use the code: CEWESEPTEMBER.

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