
6 types of men who will never make good partners

Photo: Envato

One of the most beautiful things is meeting someone who makes your heart skip a beat and imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with that person. However, before jumping into a relationship, it's always a good idea to think twice and pay close attention to the signs that might indicate that your chosen one is just not the one. Here are 6 types of men to avoid.

1. Never satisfied

We all go through it bad periods and we all face problems, in which we most need a partner by our side. However, it is large the difference between someone who is in someone period dealing with problems and someone who finds problems right in all.
Before entering into a relationship with someone, pay attention: is this person constantly complains and guilt blame others for your own problems? Do they only talk about his problems, making you feel that yours they are not important? Do not forget: you are not a psychologist and be in a relationship with a person who you constantly pulls down it will do you no good.
That you want someone to help, is commendable, but it is impossible to help someone who does not want help to accept and clings to the negative. He must too support to come from both sides, not just from yours.

Photo: Envato

2. The wrong one

Many aspire to be loved ones, they make the mistake of getting into a relationship with the one who is available, although it is clear to them that of the future they can't see with it. Don't do it. That kind of doing not fair to the man you chose, because you are each deserves the partner he will be placing on first place and not someone he will consider as an "intermediate point".
Neither will you with a relationship solved your feelings that pull you so desperately towards a relationship. You should remember that there is nothing wrong if you are single and that you must have themselves enough like, that you won't necessarily need a partner, but you will get into a relationship only when you do convinced, that you've found someone you're really into you match.

3. The man who has everything - except chemistry

Have you ever met someone who, at first glance, seemed to represent you? everything, what you have ever been wanted? He had an orderly life, a wonderful family, good manners, a good job, and the list goes on, and yet chemistry there was no way you could do it with him to feel. Many are tried then to force, to feel attracted or even start to wonder if there is something wrong with them wrong. Stop.
Beauty and discomfort at the same time emotions is that we can't to choose, when we will feel them. And a person can have a lot of good qualities, but to enjoy you won't be able to contact him if you have to to force. Because of this do not strain and simply take a step forward: there are still many opportunities to meet the right one.

Don't worry: there will still be plenty of opportunities to find the right one Photo: Polina Kovaleva / Pexels

4. Charmer

Have you felt a spark with someone who is just bursting with charisma and always knows what to say to make you melt? Of course charm and self-confidence they are not bad qualities in themselves, but you have to pay attention to how such a man behaves behaves in the company of others. Or your own seductiveness use on every woman who crosses his path? This is definitely not a good sign.
The most important qualities for a relationship are loyalty, confidence and honesty. If you intuition he says that you won't get that from this man, then he's not a good choice.

5. Workaholic

He never has time for you, his thoughts are constantly focused on a job, even when drinking it is always on phone… If you found a man in this description that interests you, be careful. There is nothing wrong if someone is in a period of life when on first place sets career, but you have to think about whether it is now right time for a relationship with such a man, is it just a period or have you come across a workaholic.
When you look back many years from now, they will be the most important to you memories, which you spent with the closest ones and that includes your partner. Also, if you decide to have children, you will need someone to help you raise them stood by. These things are more valuable from money, so it is best to avoid complete workaholics.

Work should not be more important to him than family Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

6. Rebel

Many will agree that such a man represents the greatest risk. In the beginning, he will impress you with his passion, charisma and spontaneity, which may blur your eyes from the signs that will warn you of danger.
Do not allow yourself to do this and pay attention to whether your chosen one constantly defies authority and is used dangerous the ways they bring him adrenaline (alcohol, drugs, too fast and careless driving...) In our younger years excitement it attracts, but when we create our own family, we start to appreciate it peace, routine and persons to whom it may be referred we get carried away. And you won't find that in a man like that.

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