
7 things you should not do if you want to find true love

Photo: Mathilde lmd / Unsplash

Your thinking determines not only how you will spend your day, but also how your life will unfold. What kind of love will you attract into your life. What kind of person will your partner be. Can you change that? Yes.

There are a few steps that can help you attract the kind of people you want into your life.

Believe it! You can easily improve your life and attract the person you want into it.

How? By becoming such a person yourself. But first, you must remove false beliefs from your life.

Let's take a look at 7 actions that can ruin your chance for love, even though you're sure you're doing everything right.

1. You think you deserve less

It is this kind of thinking that causes you to fall into a bad relationship. If you think that you don't deserve love, that you don't deserve the best of the best, you will never receive it. No one can love you for you.

2. You accept less

When you convince yourself that you don't need the best, just something good enough, you begin to lower your standards. Soon you will also give up on what is good enough and end up with the option - anything, as long as it is something.

3. Limit yourself

There are over 7 billion people in the world, and what if you're in love with someone who doesn't notice you? Spread your wings and instead of clinging to one person you're not interested in, look around you and you'll notice that a lot of people like you.

You stay in the relationship even though it is full of disagreements. Why? Photo: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

4. You are loyal to those who do not appreciate you

This is a classic example of a person actually running away from love. Instead of making up your own mind and walking away from the person who keeps hurting you, you're satisfied with their crumbs, which they basically humiliate you with. Such people will never appreciate you.

5. You live in a closed circle

You always fall in love with the same patterns of people. Unapproachable, unattainable and disinterested and expected to change them. When you are hurt, you don't allow yourself to learn anything from the experience, but you look for love in someone else with the same qualities. You can't expect things to be different if you keep repeating the same steps.

6. You play games

Yours or theirs, it doesn't matter. If you actively participate in gaming and think that this is the right step towards love, you will be disappointed again and again. Games are played by those who do not want anything serious. But if you want something long-lasting, gaming is the wrong approach.

7. You stay even though the relationship is bad

It's true, it's not easy to leave a relationship, whether it's good or not. You are afraid to be alone. You feel like you will never find someone who loves you again

But if you stay in a relationship that you know isn't working, you're ruining your chances of meeting someone who will love and respect you.

So, love yourself, leave the relationship in which you don't feel good and offer your hand to people who will love and appreciate you from the heart.

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