
7 fights in which no man has ever beaten a woman

Arguments. Arguments. Arguments.

Photo: John Schnobrich/Unsplash

Like it or not man, in some arguments the woman always wins. It's that simple. When it comes to verbal arguments, men will often get the short end of the stick in a fight with women, they will win in a few, and they will definitely lose in some.

Anyone who has ever been married or in a relationship knows that most men have a different approach to arguing than women. Men are often withdrawn, which can be very disturbing.

No relationship is without arguments. Learn to communicate properly. Gain confidence in your partner and yourself! But no matter what, some fights will be inevitable. And men definitely lose in them.

Namely, no matter how verbally strong they are, or how much they try to take revenge and give different arguments, in these quarrels it has a woman is always right.

We reveal the seven arguments men never win.

1. Be honest, have I gained weight?

A conversation from which even the greatest diplomat with excellent communication skills would hardly come out victorious. Honestly, she's put on a little weight, and she's asking you to tell her that, but maybe it's best to sugarcoat the truth. The same applies if she asks you for an opinion on a dress, hair…

2. I saw the way you looked at that woman

The more you defend yourself and protest that this is not true, the more argument and anger you will create in the woman. There is a rule of mature men that says you should always give a woman a seat with a view in a restaurant so your eyes will less wander to others.

Pointless arguments. Photo: Clem Onojeghuo/Unsplash

3. What are you watching, is it an adult movie?

You've probably been caught doing grown-up things with yourself. Usually women are not the most enthusiastic about this, they think that the man does not want her anymore. Admit to her that sometimes you do it without her, and try to make amends with a reconciling intimate relationship.

4. Why don't you watch movies with me

In the early stages of a relationship, you want to do everything together with your partner, even watching romantic comedies. Later, his increasing resistance can trigger serious anger in the gentler halves. Why? Because they still sometimes give in and watch a military movie or football just for you, and you refuse to watch her favorite show with her.

5. Why do you still have photos of your ex?

It is best to get rid of such photos forever for the sake of peace in the house.

6. Do you really have more fun hanging out with your male friends than with me?

A dangerous area of communication in which you must be a true master of words. Watch your words.

7. I found something on your mobile phone that I don't like?

Another trap you will fall into, because everything you say is likely to be the wrong answer.

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