
7 Changes to Make in Your Kitchen: This Will Bring You Happiness, Success and Health

Photo: Watermark Designs / Unsplash

Feng shui, the ancient Chinese art of living and arranging space, can bring balance and peace to your life. Check how you should arrange the kitchen according to feng shui rules if you want a life full of success, health, abundance and happiness.

According to Feng Shui, the kitchen is a place that nourishes and sustains life, so it is considered the most important part of the home. The kitchen is associated with the health and well-being of the residents.

The old philosophy of arranging space brings some guidelines that will ensure a more pleasant stay in the heart of the home - the kitchen.

1. Remove all unnecessary things from the kitchen

Get rid of anything you never use. Old, dirty dishes or cracked bowls, broken kitchen appliances. All these and many more useless things create a mess in the kitchen and consequently a mess in your life. Also throw away food that has expired.

2. Clean the oven

It contains the energy of prosperity and therefore must always be clean and functional.

3. Free up space on the refrigerator

Magnets, postcards, to-do lists - clutter on the fridge and every look at it creates too much stress that makes you feel even more distracted.
This makes you reach for food even when you are not hungry. Remove everything from the fridge or leave only one or two things and move the to-do lists inside the kitchen units.

Let the refrigerator breathe without unnecessary things on it. Photo: Squared One / Unsplash

4. Hide the trash can

Do not keep it open and do not place it in the field of view. If possible, keep it under the sink, inside the elements or in the pantry. The open bin you see brings chaos into your life.

5. Fill the bowl with fruit

A full bowl of fruit represents success and abundance. Let it stand on a clean table or any clean kitchen surface.

6. Find places for plants

Keep pots of fresh spices in the kitchen, fresh flowers in a vase, and pots of decorative plants on the counter and window sill. They bring positive energy into the kitchen.

7. Don't avoid colors

The more of them, the better, even if only the details will be dressed in lively tones. Like plants, colors are responsible for bringing and maintaining positive energy in the kitchen, as well as in your life.

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