
7 DIY tips for watering flowers while on vacation: how to keep your plants alive and healthy

DIY nasveti za zalivanje rož
Photo: Pexels / Rocketmann team

These are our DIY tips for watering flowers, because as summer moves into its hottest phase, many of us start packing our bags and dreaming of long days at the beach, hiking in the mountains or exploring new cities. But while we dream of a vacation, our plants at home are left alone, fighting for survival. So how do we keep our flowers looking healthy and shiny while we're on holiday? Here are seven DIY tips to help you do just that. So - DIY tips for watering flowers.

You can prepare the DIY tips for watering the flowers that we have chosen yourself, or you can buy the products that we present below. In one way or another, you'll definitely make sure your plants look great while you're away.

1. Automatic watering with a bottle: This method is simple but effective. All you need is a bottle filled with water. Turn the bottle upside down and stick it in the soil next to the plant. Close the cork slightly, or make a hole in it. The water will slowly drip into the soil, providing the plant with constant watering.

Photo: Pexels / Rocketmann team
2. Use of moisturizing balls: Humidifier balls are an excellent solution for smaller plants. Soak the balls in water, then place them in the pot with the plant. The beads will slowly release water, providing the plant with constant moisture.

3. Watering with the capillary method: For this method you need a towel and a bowl of water. Place the towel on the bottom of the container and let it soak in the water. Place the other end of the towel in the pot with the plant. The water will slowly run down the towel to the plant, ensuring constant watering.

4. Using Water Globes: Water globes are a great solution for larger plants. Fill the globe with water and stick it in the ground next to the plant. The globe will slowly release water, which will provide the plant with constant watering.

Different solutions for automated watering of flowers during vacation

Zadnja posodobitev 2025-02-22 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API

5. Watering with a drip system: This method is a little more complicated, but very effective. You need a drip system, which you can either buy from a store or make yourself. The system consists of a pipe that is connected to a water tank. Bring the hose to the plant and set the drip rate. The system will water the plant slowly and evenly.

6. Watering with a bag: This method is a little unusual, but it works. You need a clear plastic bag that is large enough to cover your plant and its pot. Add stakes to the pot to prevent the bag from fitting the plants. Some say the bag should absolutely not touch the leaves, but a little contact is fine. Water the plants as usual, being careful not to soak them. Place the plant in the bag, pull the bag up and around the plant. Blow a little air into the bag before sealing it to help keep the bag from sticking to the leaves. Leave the plant in an area with indirect light (direct sunlight will heat the bag and likely kill your plant). This mini greenhouse will catch the water as it evaporates and drip it back into the plant.

Photo: Pexels / Rocketmann team
7. Friend or neighbor: If you have a friend or neighbor willing to take care of your plants while you're on vacation, this is a great option. Just make sure you tell them exactly how often and how much water your plants need. We suggest that you move all the plants, for example, to one place, also so that the neighbor can more easily manage all the plants that need watering.

Now that you have these seven tips, you can go on vacation without worry, knowing that your plants will be healthy and shiny when you return. And remember, while these methods are effective, the best method is the one that best suits your plants and your lifestyle. So, pack your bags, apply the sunscreen and enjoy your vacation. Your plants will be fine!

Different solutions for automated watering of flowers during vacation

Zadnja posodobitev 2025-02-22 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API

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