
7 Famous Historical Events That DIDN'T REALLY HAPPEN

7 Famous Historical Events That DIDN'T REALLY HAPPEN

Who says that all the historical facts we hear in educational institutions are true? The facts are OBVIOUSLY a bit different - that is, of famous historical events that DID NOT actually HAPPEN.

Rats are not supposed to spread the plague.

Scientists from University of Oslo recently conducted an experiment that led them to the conclusion that the parasites that carried the plague were of human origin, and have nothing to do with mice. They found that the development of historical events corresponds to the simulation, in which the disease is spread by human lice and fleas.

Christopher Columbus should not have named his ships Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria.

When it comes to Christopher Columbus, we can only completely trust the fact that he set out on his famous voyage abolished in 1492. In the 15th century, most ships were named after saints, so it is Santa Maria in all probability a real name, while they are Niña and A pint served only as a nickname. History.com reports that Niña should in fact called Santa Clara, while Pinta's real name is unknown.

Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria.
Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria.

The apple should not have fallen on Isaac Newton's head.

The story of the birth of the theory of gravity, which says that Isaac Newton was at rest an apple fell from the tree on its head, is supposed to be just an anecdote – it was first mentioned in Newton biographies, published in 1752 by his friend William Stukeley.

Martin Luther should not have nailed the 95 theses to the door of the church.

The well-known monk Martin Luther, who is considered to be the founder of the Protestant Church, indeed sent a letter of protest to Archbishop Albert of Mainz, in which he attached his 95 theses, but events did not unfold as history teaches. It proves that it is also nailed theses to the door of the German church, it is not.

Convicted witches are not supposed to be burned in Salem.

The town of Salem is considered to be the most recognizable witch's cauldron in the world. Nevertheless, in a place in the American state of Massachusetts in the 17th century, supposedly ADnot a single witch was burned. 19 condemned people were executed by hanging while they the twentieth victim was stoned to death.

The Salem Witch Trials.
The Salem Witch Trials.

Benjamin Franklin is not supposed to have discovered electricity.

Benjamin Franklin is best known for his act when he dragon, tied to the key, dropped into a storm with lots of lightning – with an experiment he wanted to find out if it was lightning form of electricity, but by no means did he discover electricity in this way. Scientists are said to have known the latter before 1752.

Vincent van Gogh should not have cut off his whole ear.

The famous Dutch painter, for some unknown reason, cut off only the lower part of his left ear and no way not the whole ear. At the time, he was suffering from severe depression, which must have played a role in this move.

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