
7 mystical signs that you are protected by a guardian angel

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Photo: Pexels / Anastasiia Shevchenko

Do any of you feel that a small voice is calling you and warning of danger?! Recognize 7 mystical signs that you are protected by a guardian angel!

Many of us believe that guardian angels accompany us throughout our lives, protecting and guiding us. Their presence is often subtle, but sometimes they alert us to potential dangers or obstacles in our path. Here are seven signs that your guardian angel may be warning you:

Guardian angel
Photo: Pexels / Anastasiia Shevchenko
  1. You hear strange voices: Suddenly you hear a voice that warns you or guides you. This voice is clear, but you cannot connect it to any source around you. (Maybe it's just your conscience telling you not to eat that last bar of chocolate.)
  2. Dreams or Predictions: Dreams are often a means through which guardian angels communicate important information to us. If you dream of an event before it happens, or feel a strong sense of foreboding, this could be a warning from your guardian angel. (Or you've just watched too many prophecy movies.)
  3. Unpleasant feeling in the stomach: A feeling of discomfort or anxiety in the stomach area, when there is no obvious reason for it, can be a sign that something or someone is threatening you. (Or you just ate too much for dinner.)
  4. Sudden technical problems: Sudden and unexplained technical problems, such as car or electronic device breakdowns, can be your guardian angels' way of warning you of danger. (Or maybe it's just because you bought the cheapest phone on the market.)
  5. Warnings from other people: Sometimes guardian angels use other people to warn you of dangers. If suddenly a stranger or even a friend warns you about something, it can be a sign that you need to be careful. (Or maybe it's just a neighbor telling you that you forgot your car keys.)
  6. A sudden change in mood or intuition: If you suddenly feel fear, anxiety or discomfort for no apparent reason, this could be a warning from your guardian angel. (Or you just realized that today is Monday.)
  7. Sudden decrease in Wi-Fi signal: When your Wi-Fi suddenly cuts out while you're trying to watch your favorite show, it might be a sign that your guardian angel is warning you that it's time to take a break from technology. (Or maybe it's just your ISP telling you it's time to pay your bill.)


So the next time you hear a strange voice, have a strange dream, or your Wi-Fi suddenly disconnects, don't wonder if it's the work of your guardian angel or if you've just had a long day. Maybe it's just the universe telling you to take a moment to yourself, relax, and maybe… check to see if your internet bill is already paid. In any case, remember to laugh and appreciate the little things in life. After all, who knows? Or maybe your guardian angel is sitting next to you right now, laughing with you!

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