
7 of the most toxic products in your fridge, which are deadly after the expiration date, but we still eat them a lot

This food is not good to eat after the expiry date!

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Photo: envato elements

We all have foods at home that occasionally expire, but we still eat them. We often think: "It's still fine," or "It doesn't stink yet," but such products can hide a silent enemy - bacteria that we can't see with the naked eye, but can seriously poison us. Here are seven of the most toxic products we keep in our fridge and should never be eaten past their expiration date.

Foods that seem safe are often stored in the refrigerator until they expire. But be careful - some of these foods can become real incubators for dangerous bacteria that can endanger our health if we eat them after the expiration date. Sometimes, due to inattention or the desire to reduce food waste, we eat them anyway, without knowing that they can even lead us to the emergency room. Let's take a look at seven of the most toxic foods that almost everyone has at home and see why they are so dangerous after the expiration date.

1. Smoked salmon

Smoked salmon is a gourmet delicacy, but at the same time it is an ideal environment for the development of bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. This dangerous bacteria can survive even in refrigeration conditions. If salmon expires, the risk of infection increases dramatically, which can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems.

2. Fresh meat and poultry

Although meat is kept in the refrigerator, it has a limited shelf life. Spoiled meat can contain bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli and Clostridium perfringens. After the expiration date, these bacteria multiply rapidly. Meat can become unsafe after two to five days in the refrigerator, so discard it immediately if it starts to give off an unusual odor or change color.

3. Eggs

Eggs are a common source of food poisoning, especially after the expiration date. Although the refrigerator keeps them fresh longer, eating old eggs can lead to salmonella infection. An expired egg is easy to identify - if it floats in water, it means it has started to rot and is potentially dangerous. They are one of the most toxic products.

4. Fresh cheeses (feta, ricotta, cream cheese)

Soft cheeses have a shorter shelf life than hard cheeses because they contain more moisture, which creates ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria such as Listeria. If you notice mold on fresh cheeses or if they start to smell unpleasantly sour, throw them away immediately. Eating spoiled cheese can cause serious infections.

Photo: envato elements

5. Pasteurized dairy products (milk, cream, yogurt)

Even pasteurized dairy products such as milk and cream become dangerous after the expiry date. If they are eaten spoiled, they can cause food poisoning, as bacteria such as E. coli. Yoghurts sometimes survive for a few days after the expiration date, but watch out for the taste and smell - if it's sour, you'd better throw it away.

6. Cold cuts (salami, ham, pate)

Cold cuts are a common snack in many households, but they should never be eaten after the expiration date. These products are often contaminated with bacteria Listeria, which are resistant to cooling temperatures. Listeria infection can be especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it can cause pregnancy complications.

7. Fresh fruit juices

Unpasteurized fresh juices are another pitfall in your fridge. After the expiration date, they can quickly develop bacteria such as Salmonella or E. coli. Since fresh juices are not thermally treated, they are more susceptible to spoilage and are best consumed as soon as possible after opening.


Although it's sometimes tempting to eat foods that have just passed their expiration date, it's not worth the risk. Foods with bacteria caused by salmonella, listeria and other dangerous substances can lead to serious health problems or even death. Keep your fridge a safe place - regularly check expiration dates and pay attention to signs of spoilage. These are some of the most toxic products!

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