A sore throat is a common occurrence on cold days. The most common causes are colds, excessive strain on the vocal cords or the dry air we are exposed to in winter due to overheating. Instead of artificial preparations and medicines, we offer you several natural methods with which you can soothe a sore and inflamed throat in a healthy and easy way.
1. Cayenne pepper tea
Add lemon tea, mint tea, juice of one lemon, a teaspoon of honey and a little cayenne pepper powder to a pot of water. Mix everything well and remove from heat before it boils. Drink while it's still hot.
2. Grandma's recipe for a sore throat
Add two teaspoons of honey to 250 ml of water and heat well, making sure that the water does not boil. Remove from heat and squeeze in about two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice. You can also add a teaspoon of brown sugar for a stronger taste.
3. Milk drink with cinnamon
Mix a tablespoon of sugar, two pinches of baking soda and half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Add 250 ml of milk and mix well. Place over low heat and stir. Then remove from the heat before the milk boils and add a spoonful of honey.
4. Herbal tea with brandy
Mix green tea, chamomile and lemon tea. This will give you a healthy drink full of antioxidants. If you add a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice, ginger and a little brandy to the ingredients, you will feel as if you have taken a natural analgesic.
Photo: Farzad Mohamadi / Unsplash
5. Gargling
Prepare a saline solution from 250 ml of water and a teaspoon of salt. Bring the mixture to a boil. Let it cool and gargle some of the liquid, then spit it out after ten seconds. Repeat this at least five times a day until the sore throat symptoms disappear. Gargling with saline will reduce the symptoms of a sore throat and help flush the virus out of the body.
6. Inhalation
Boil three cups of warm water, add a bag of chamomile, lemon and fresh ginger. Let stand for five minutes. Then put the liquid in the inhalation container. Or you can take a clean towel, lean over the bowl and cover your head and inhale the steam through your nose and mouth for ten minutes. This will soothe your sore throat and help you sleep.
7. Warm compress
Make tea from dried chamomile flowers and dip a clean towel into it while it is still hot. When the tea has cooled a little, wring the towel well, roll it lengthwise and put it around your neck. When the poultice cools down, reheat the tea and repeat the process for a while.
If a sore throat lasts for several days or is accompanied by other symptoms, be sure to consult your doctor.