
7 phrases with which you will recognize a manipulator

They always use them when they want to manipulate you.

Photo: Envato

Do you want to know what phrases are often used by manipulators? Are you wondering how you can identify them? Then you are in the right place! In life, we often meet people who seem to us to be our soul mates. They seem to be everything we've ever been looking for. But after a while we discover that they are manipulators.

Manipulators often use lies and the longer you are in their trap, the longer it will take you to recognize them, discover their true face and heal your emotional wounds.

They often use sweet embellished lies and are hard to recognize because they wear a sugary mask of kindness. They are great players.

However, there are some signs that you can recognize them by, and these include the following 7 phrases that they often use:

1. “You can't prove it.”

This means that they have made a mistake that (they think) is impossible to prove, so they deny it even more.

2. “That's all I know about it.”

If you notice someone saying this phrase, then listen more carefully to his words, because there is a risk that he wants to deceive you or is hiding something. If this person were telling the truth, it is unlikely that they would use this phrase.

3. "I don't remember!"

Bad memory is a common problem of manipulators. You've probably heard that one of the hardest things about cheating is that you have to constantly control your words. And if you manage to catch a liar in a lie, he will simply start making excuses that he doesn't remember what he said or did.

Manipulation is not love! Photo: Kira Ikonnikova / Unsplash

Ask him what he can't remember. An honest person will answer without hesitation, but a manipulator will make up another story.

4. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

This is already a direct denial. One of the tricks used by manipulators is to deny everything. You know they understand what it's all about, but they won't admit their lie. It is very difficult to force such people to admit their own lies.

5. “Are you accusing me?”

With this phrase, they present themselves as an innocent person and call you a liar. This phrase allows them to go into a defensive system and immediately change the focus from them to you with the conversation.

Me, Me. I never. Photo: Jack Delulio/Unsplash

6. "What do I need?"

One way liars avoid exposure is to answer a question with a question. This is how they try to lure you into a trap so that you don't force them to answer reasonable questions. If they began to question the motives of their lies, then it means that they are definitely deceiving you. They will do anything not to answer directly.

7. “Do you really think I can do something like that?”

This rhetorical construction allows them to shift the entire burden of the conversation onto you. They present themselves as a victim to make you feel guilty for asking such questions.

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