
7+ plants that bring luck and money to your home

These plants bring happiness to your home!

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Photo: envato elements

Natural sources of positive energy and happiness are hidden in our homes, which go beyond the usual aesthetics and comfort. Lucky plants are one of those mysterious elements that not only beautify our living spaces, but also bring feelings of contentment, prosperity and harmony. All over the world, these plants are known for their unique properties, which range from purifying the air to symbolizing abundance and love. In this article, we will reveal nine wonderful plants that will help you create a happier and more positive environment in your home and bring luck and money. From exotic bamboo to aromatic basil - each of these plants carries its own special message and power. Discover how these lucky plants can enrich your life and home.

Belief in plants bringing good luck is deeply rooted in various cultures. Whether you fully agree with the mystical properties of these plants or appreciate them purely for their aesthetic appeal, incorporating these plants into your living space can't hurt. Let's look at these plants that bring luck and money.

Bamboo (Dracaena Sanderiana)

The lucky bamboo originates from Southeast Asia and is a symbol of happiness, prosperity and positive energy. With its unique appearance, it brings elegance and peace to every home.

Photo: envato

Golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Golden Pothos, often called money plant or devil's ivy, is valued for its ability to purify the air and attract wealth and prosperity. According to the principles of Feng Shui, placing this plant in the wealth sector of the home can bring financial abundance and happiness.

Photo: Unsplash/Olena Shmahalo

Crassula Ovata (Crassula Ovata)

Known as the money tree, the round-leaved broadleaf is reputed to bring good luck and prosperity. Its fleshy leaves, reminiscent of jade coins, are a symbol of wealth, making it a popular choice for homes and commercial spaces.

Photo: envato


Spathiphyllum, which, in addition to adding an aesthetic touch to the home, cleans the air of toxins, promotes harmony and is said to bring happiness and prosperity to the household.

Photo: Unsplash/Outi Marjaana

Mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

Mother-in-law's tongue, known for its air-purifying properties, symbolizes resilience and happiness. Its climbing leaves are believed to mimic the symbolism of resilience and strength, attracting positive energy into the home.

Photo: envato


Orchids, which enchant any room with their beauty and elegance, are associated with happiness, love and fertility. With their stunning blooms and gentle appearance, they are said to attract positive energy and harmony into the home.

Photo: Unsplash/Earl Wilcox

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits, such as lemons or oranges, are symbols of abundance, prosperity and happiness. Their vibrant fruits and aromatic flowers are believed to bring joy and positive energy to the home, making them an excellent choice for any home or garden.

Photo: envato


Basil, known as an aromatic herb in culinary use, is also a symbol of happiness and positive energy. In many cultures, it is considered a symbol of love, protection and prosperity, and with its good energy it has a positive effect on the home environment.

Photo: Unsplash/Tone Hoines

Pachira Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)

Pachira, also known as the money tree, symbolizes luck, prosperity and financial success. With its distinctive braided trunk and lush green foliage, Pachira is a popular choice for homes and businesses where it serves as a symbol of wealth and abundance.

Photo: envato

At the end of the day, our home is more than just a place where we spend our time. It is a haven where we find peace, happiness and prosperity. The lucky plants we have presented are more than just decorative elements. They are living symbols of natural energy and power that can bring positive vibrations into our homes. By including these plants in our living space, we not only improve the aesthetics of our home, but also enrich our lives with prosperity, health and harmony. Let your home be an oasis of peace, where each plant tells its own story and brings its own piece of happiness. Each of these nine lucky plants has its own unique properties that have been valued by many generations before us, so invite them into your home and let their positive energy enrich your life.

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