
7 reasons why Scandinavians are the happiest people in the world

Every year, the Nordic countries top the list of the happiest countries in the world. The Danish concept of living "hygge", which means a simple and pleasant life in the circle of loved ones, has become a real global trend, but in reality, every Nordic country has its own recipe for well-being and happiness.

Read 7 reasons why they are Scandinavian the happiest people in the world.

Sis: Finnish for inner peace and strength

Inner peace and strength
Inner peace and strength

Last year, the American magazine The Times Finnish concept of living sis ranked among the key trends coming from Scandinavia. This word cannot be translated exactly, but roughly means the following: "If something needs to be done, it will be done." At any cost. Sis means resilience and courage. It teaches us how to give up unnecessary words and excessive emotions. To receive the spirit urinates, The Times suggests that we say certain words without facial expressions. However, the point is not how exactly we speak, but that we speak only about that particular matter. Sis means no more pointless conversations, complaining and bragging. Philosophy urinates it is the one that makes Finns value social equality, and that is why they are so calm, persistent and self-sufficient.

Lagom: exactly as much as the Swedes need

Orderly life under control
Orderly life under control

Lagom it is a special skill that is necessary for a balanced life. Literally, this concept could be translated as "just enough, not too much, not too little." Lagom found everywhere in Swedish society, including the economy and business. He says slowly begins when a person has orderly life, she has it under control, but at the same time she is surrounded by people who share the same principles. Without a doubt, this is something that is very difficult to achieve. But if you like this concept, then start with yourself, become practically reasonable and do no harm to anyone.

Arbejdsglæde: the Danish way to love your job

We have to love our job.
We have to love our job.

The ability to enjoy what we do in life, that is arbeidsglæde, is another concept of happiness from the Danes who introduced the concept to the world hygge. Every year, Universum Global publishes the results of a study that measures the satisfaction of employees at their workplace in different countries around the world. As you might expect, the Nordic countries top the list here as well. To be able to live by the concept arbeidsglæde, you must first honestly answer the following question – Why are you working in the position you are currently in? Find the positive effects of your job, try to cooperate with your colleagues and superiors, perform your duties as expected, and continue to strive to improve your work skills. If this seems impossible to you, then it may be time to consider changing jobs. Last but not least, according to the Danes, they are people are happy when they happily go to work and feel the same when they return home in the evening.

Friluftsliv: love of nature the Norwegian way

In harmony with nature
In harmony with nature

Philosophy friluftsliv means yes we spend time alone in nature and thus come back to ourselves. And it's not just about hiking here, the main idea is to break free from the general rush and routine. There is only us, our backpack and mother nature. Work involving outdoor physical activity also falls under the concept frilufstliva (for example chopping wood). Here are some tips from Norwegians: don't take your camera (phone) with you and you don't post on social media. Simply climb the hill or take a walk and keep this experience for yourself.

Kalsarikänni: a new way for Finns to relax

The Finnish way of relaxation
The Finnish way of relaxation

Kalsarikänni (or simply drunk in their underwear) is the Finnish way of passing the time when they are alone at home, in underwear and with a drink in hand. Kalsarite is a type of underwear, kännit but means drunk. The term became popular thanks to the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which compiled a list of emojis representing the country. But the Finns are not alone - either The Dutch they have a term for it. Nixen is the ability to they relax and do nothing without feeling the least bit guilty. Nixen it can be a great outlet for many who struggle with multi-tasking at work and suffer from unavoidable stress.

Gluggaveður: Icelandic optimism

The most brilliant thoughts and ideas are born here.
The most brilliant thoughts and ideas are born here.

Gluggaveður is an Icelandic term that defines an amazing feeling when you sit by the window with a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the weather, but you don't want to go out. This is otherwise very typical of the Nordic countries. If you want to try it yourself, all you need is a warm sweater and tracksuit, a cup of hot drink, a window and a mood. They say yes gluggaveður helps our mind to create the most brilliant thoughts and ideas. So why not give it a try?

Gezelligheid: enjoying the neighborhood the Dutch way

One with your loved ones
One with your loved ones

Although the Netherlands is not part of the Scandinavian countries, they also have a very nice concept of happiness. The Dutch believe that happiness is synonymous with unity with your loved ones. The time we spend in the pleasant company of people who understand and support us no matter what is called gezelligheid. A word gazelle means companion, old friend. The Dutch use the word a lot gezellig, which means pleasant, comfortable and friendly. There are also precious places and things that carry vivid memories gezellig. Unforgettable, long-awaited meetings with friends are gezellig. Also Norwegians have a similar concept called koselig, which means a pleasant candlelight dinner in the company of good friends.

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