
7 Reasons Why You Keep Gaining Back All the Weight You've Lost

Not sure why all the lost pounds came back?

Confused? You exercise, you lose weight, you do everything to lose the pounds, but they always come back. What's more: instead of less, the scale shows more!

How can you say no to gaining pounds and finally start enjoying the fruits of your labor?

1. Sometimes exercise can make you gain weight

Exercise causes temporary weight gain. This could be a sign that you may be overdoing your exercise because you want visible results too quickly.

Strenuous exercises hurt muscle tissue. There are small tears in it. As tissue regenerates, muscles grow and become stronger. While the tissue is being regenerated, it becomes inflamed and retains extra fluids. Only this can be known on the scales. This effect usually only lasts for about two days.

2. You're stuck in the yo-yo effect

The yo-yo effect means that a person after losing kilos gains them back or gains even more after abandoning the diet. If this pattern repeats itself, there is a good chance that sooner or later you will gain weight. Why? Because restrictive eating causes weight gain, due to the body's physiological responses to fluctuations in satiety and hunger.

If you plan to lose weight after a restrictive diet, you will fat most likely acquired within 5 years. To maintain a healthy weight, you need to change your lifestyle instead of jumping from diet to diet. This means reducing the intake of sweet and processed foods and especially eating foods rich in protein and fiber.

3. You don't eat enough fiber and protein

If you neglect fiber and protein, this can be the reason why the fat comes back. Fiber helps control your appetite and makes you feel fuller for longer. Increase your intake of legumes and vegetables to get the right amount of fiber. If you consume 14 grams of fiber every day, you can reduce your calorie intake reduce by as much as 10 percent.

In addition, the lack of protein can also make you fat. Proteins maintain your muscle mass and boost your metabolism, which is important for maintaining a healthy weight.

4. You are too social

Yours social life is important when it comes to maintaining a good balance between work and personal time. But at the same time, it often happens that you drink and eat (too) much because of this. Moderation is the key!

5. You shop without a grocery list

If you are buying no grocery list , this may be one of the reasons why you breed. Shopping lists not only help you save time and money, they can also prevent you from making impulse purchases that are mostly unhealthy.

6. You get too many calories from drinks

Drinking soft drinks, juices and other types of drinks can be a reason to gain weight. Your brain doesn't calculate calories from drinks the way it calculates calories from food. This means that regardless of the sugary drinks you drank, you will still eat later food and thus contributed to fat gain.

7. You are too exhausted

Lack of sleep and exhaustion are associated with rapid weight gain. Why? Because this is part of the hormonal changes that result from not having the motivation to exercise. If you don't get enough sleep, you risk gaining weight around your belly. A study confirms that if you sleep 7 hours or more a night, you will be 33 percent more likely to lose excess weight.

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