
7 secrets of famous works of art

Secrets of famous works of art

Did you know that in the right eye of the Mona Lisa are hidden the initials of the author of this most famous painting in the history of fine arts, Leonardo da Vinci, or that the painting Primavera (Spring) by Sandro Botticelli includes 500 types of plants? Learn about other secrets of famous works of art.

Many artists liked to wrap some mystery in their works of art or secret message. If you take a closer look at a Picasso painting Old guitarist, you will notice that he painted it on a canvas on which another picture had already been painted. In that period (the blue period) he was out of steam, so he used what he had at his disposal.

READ MORE: André Quirinus Zurbriggen: created an alphabet and font from stone with letter patterns

The Old Guitarist (1903–1904)
The Old Guitarist (1903–1904)

In an interesting clip, you can learn about the rest of the secrets they hide famous works of art.

We reveal 7 secrets of famous works of art:

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