
7 signs that a friendship is turning into love

Film Love, Rosie / Photo: imdb

Male-female friendships are always hotly debated, because when you spend a lot of time with someone, it's easy to fall in love with that person. Friends get to know the deepest parts of you and love you despite all your flaws. But there is a line that separates friends from lovers, and once you cross that line, things will never be the same. These seven signs indicate that your friendship is turning into love and it's time to take your relationship to the next level.

1. You started flirting

Harmless flirting also happens between friends, but it can indicate that things have taken a turn and become a bit more personal. Some consider it a typical joke, but flirting could become more intense when friends turn into lovers. You will realize that it is Flirting is often the key to this, to become more than a friend. While complimenting a friend is always a nice gesture, you can sense that there is more to these statements than trying to lift their spirits.


2. You have an emphatic body language

Body language is one of the most indicative things that show that you like someone. Many studies show how people react when they are with someone who charms them. Some of these things are: accidental touching, dilated pupils, biting the lower lip, fixing hair and clothes, crossing arms and legs.

3. You get jealous

Of all the characters jealousy it is most indicative of your intimate feelings towards your friend. Jealousy is normal and healthy when it comes to the person you love and you send them a message that they mean a lot to you. If your friend starts behaving strangely and is interested in where you go and who you hang out with, this is a sign of love feelings.

4. You feel a strong physical attraction

You feel for your friend physical attractiveness, which you cannot explain to yourself. Your heart starts beating fast when he's around and you start to wonder what it would be like to get physical with this person. This is not unusual, and to dream that you are kissing, hugging or cuddling with him means that you have already moved far away from the friendship boundary.

5. Friends feel your connection

Why can your friends notice earlier that your relationship is changing and becoming more serious? The view is different from an objective and subjective point of view, so they probably see things that you didn't notice before. Don't immediately dismiss the opinions of your friends, because many of them know you better than you know yourself. If they start to question things and see that the relationship with it a special person is becoming intense, maybe we should listen to them.

6. You talk about him all the time

Has anyone ever told you that you mention their name too much? No you can stop thinking about what he does during the day, why he hasn't called yet, or when you'll hang out next. It seems that Cupid's arrow has hit you and your friendship is turning into love whether you want to admit it or not.


7. You can't get enough of each other

Love is a beautiful thing, and when your daily dose of interaction isn't enough, know that you're in love. When friendship turns into love, they can't get enough of each other. If your relationship is more than friendship, you will see that the time you spend together will together, increased.

How to act in this situation

For a relationship to work, partners must first and foremost also be friends. If you feel that you have developed love feelings for your friend emotions say it, because you could miss one of the most beautiful things in your life. If you wait too long, someone else will come along and you'll spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been, so act before it's too late.


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