
7 signs that you have found a great partner

Photo: envato

We all dream of a fairy-tale, seemingly perfect relationship. Of course, perfection does not exist, but we can get closer to it by entering into a relationship with a person who is compatible with us and who is a good partner in all respects. But how to recognize such a person? We have prepared for you 7 signs that show that you are in a relationship with a great partner.

1. He is an active listener

Active listening is important in every relationship, not only romantic. It means that the interlocutor maintains during the conversation eye contact, is responding empathically and it's up to you respectful and understanding. It also means that your opinion appreciated and make you feel heard even when he doesn't agree with you.
In a relationship, it's completely normal to get used to it the opinion does not match about just about every thing, but you both have to be aware that different views are in no way the basis for quarrel or insults.

A good partner will be willing to cut you some slack Photo: Josh Wilink / Pexels

2. He respects your boundaries

They are for a healthy relationship borders urgent. Because your partner thoughts he just can't read, you have to communicate clearly, how you feel and what behavior you it disturbs or affects. You won't be a great partner resented, if you tell him you need something time for yourself, and when you set a certain limit for him, he will not arouse you feeling guilty.

3. Is open and willing to communicate

Both are necessary for a healthy relationship two. Therefore, it is important that your partner is also with you discovered and to you clearly shows, if he doesn't like something or if with your conduct does not agree. A good partner does this, of course friendly and calm way.
Open communication also means that there is no topic that we cannot talk about or who would be aware of it avoided. This includes, among other things, conversations about common life, family planning, sexuality and finance.

Open communication leads to connection Photo: Leah Kelley / Pexels

4. He is empathetic

Compassion is one of the most important qualities you can find in a partner. Not only will he be an empathetic partner stood by with ups and downs, but it will be understood, that something he did hurt you and his behavior changed. In the event of misunderstandings, he will not search "wins", but his goal will be to make them yours emotional needs met.

5. He hides nothing from you

It is also absolutely necessary for a healthy relationship confidence. Even if your partner has done nothing wrong, you will be difficult for him believed and trusted, if things will be in front of you hid and to your questions evaded.
A great partner knows how important she is honesty and on a daily basis he's trying, to share with you those things that he doesn't know about the easiest to speak.

There are no secrets in a healthy relationship Photo: Jonathan Borba / Pexels

6. He is willing to work on the relationship

Even in a healthy relationship, sometimes things happen arguing or one of the partners does something that the other does does not agree. At that time, it is imperative that both of you are ready for a relationship to work, so it is to talk honestly and conclude an agreement on future conduct and communication.
The sign of a good partner is knowing that it is not perfect and that the problems in the relationship are not only your fault, but it has to be make an effort myself too.

7. He's also your best friend

You will also be an excellent partner best friend: someone who will be to you stood by, is for you set up and spent with you wonderful moments. Someone to share with just everything, so trivia, which happened to you during the day, as well as yours deepest emotions. Someone you will be with from the heart made them laugh, and also mourned and trust him with theirs problems.
Of course, it is not ideal if your partner is yours the only friend: for a healthy relationship, it is best that both of you keep it own identity and also they hang out independently with the closest ones.

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