
7 signs that your friendship is not sincere

Photo: Nastya Gepp / Pixabay

Having a friend is the best thing, but only if it's a true, sincere friendship. If you have the feeling that this is not the case in your case and that spending time with the people who are supposed to be closest to you permeates you with negative feelings, then read on. Here are 7 signs that your friend doesn't have as good intentions as you'd hope.

1. You get a negative intuition

You must have found yourself in a situation where you got the feeling that something "It's not ok", although you didn't find a real reason for thinking like that, but later the feeling turned out to be correct. Often ours intuition it perceives what we ourselves have not yet, so the worst thing you can do is to give it you ignore.

Watch how it goes you feel: not only in the company of a friend, but also after you say goodbye. They are taking over negative emotions and lack of energy? This is a sign that something is wrong with the friendship, so it's a good idea to think about where these feelings could be coming from. Sincere friendship must fill you with harmony and forward momentum.

If your intuition warns you that something is not right, listen to it. Photo: Joseph Frank/Unsplash

2. The friend shows no interest in you

Do you notice that your friend is always the one to explain about his problems and successes, but when it's your turn, at all shows no interest? This is a sign that something is wrong.
We've all experienced moments when all we could focus on was your pain and urgently needed the help of friends, or we were excited about our achievements and wanted joy to share with those closest to you, but a true friend will never be you completely put on the siding. If you notice that there is a relationship unilateral and that you are the only one who shows interest, it shows that he is the best to interrupt.

3. A friend belittles your achievements

Friends should be the first to celebrate your successes they congratulate and they let you know how much proud they are on you. If your friend instead makes you feel that your achievements are not through his words and behavior "nothing like that" and you feel with him unimportant, then think about whether this is the person you want to have by your side.
You deserve people who will be yours joy shared and which will make you feel good worth it and successfully. Most often it is those who belittle the achievements of others, dissatisfied with themselves and their behavior does not depend on you at all. In any case, it is best not to spend your time with such people.

Photo: Envato

4. A friend puts his interests before yours

The characteristic of sincere friendship is that each other we listen and each other we adapt. If you think that a friend of your wishes and interests puts before yours and that your socializing always goes as it is he thought, this may indicate an insincere relationship.
But this is not always the case: maybe your friend got the feeling that his ideas are yours they please and do not know, to make you feel neglected. That's why we suggest first honest conversation, after which it is best to observe if your friend's behavior has changed changed and you end the relationship only if the situation remains the same.

5. A friend only calls you when they need something from you

One of the best qualities of friendship is that we always have someone to which we can turn. However, in a sincere friendship, this must be the case bilaterally. If you notice that your friend calls you only when he needs you a favor or conversation, while it is unattainable when the situation is reversed, it's time to rethink why you stay in that relationship. Kindness and willingness to help they are commendable qualities, but unfortunately there are many people who will try them take advantage of. If your "friend" is one of them, it is best to end the relationship as soon as possible.

If your friend is nowhere to be found when you need him, it's best to end the relationship. Photo: Nastya Gepp / Pixabay

6. A friend does not follow your agreements

If he has been your friend for several times promised, that he will help you with something and this it didn't happen, it's good to reconsider if you really values and loves. In healthy relationships, we will do our best to those closest to us don't let us down, especially when us they need the most. Yes, sometimes it happens that "something gets in the way" and we cannot influence it, but in a sincere friendship this will not happen again and again.

7. You feel like you have to pretend in front of him

One of the signs that the relationship - both platonic and partner- healthy and sincere, is that you can without shame exactly this, what you are. If your friend makes you feel like you have to go in front of him to pretend, if not for him you won't be good enough, then think about where such feelings could come from.
Or reacts negatively every time you trust him with something intimate? Then you don't need such a person in your life. But if you are the one who worries that your friend won't accept you for who you are, then the best way is conversation. That's the only way you'll see if your feelings are justified and end the relationship, or if you'll finally be able to be your friend opened and trusted.

You can be exactly who you are in front of real friends Photo: Omar Lopez / Unsplash

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